Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – June 2001, week 1

Table of contents:

  1. '84 (water) conversion

  2. '86 AFM in '84

  3. '86 Westy FS, needs some work

  4. (no subject)

  5. ...long-distance Vanagon buying

  6. 1.9 TD performance upgrades prove successful: 95 mph??


  8. 15" Steel Wheels

  9. 15x6.5 Mercedes wheels, BFG AT's on syncro

  10. 15x7 - who's using them?

  11. 1982 diesel Vanagon FS

  12. 1989 TriStar

  13. 2001 EUROVAN

  14. 2nd Annual Bay Area Vanagon...

  15. 2nd Annual SF Bay Area Vanagon Tailgate Party

  16. 5 Stock 14" Alloy rims for sale with 2 New tires

  17. 70's GMC motorhome ... too big? :)

  18. 70's GMC motorhome, designed from the ground up

  19. 78' westy kitchen-what is it worth ?

  20. 85 accelerator cable

  21. 87 paint code white?

  22. 91' doors are better than 85 doors!

  23. 914 2.0L heads on Vanagon 2.0L

  24. : Does anyone rebuild air-cooled engines with increased performance?

  25. <No subject>

  26. A True Alien Census

  27. Aftermarket Oil cooler on Type 4

  28. Air Cooled Technical Question

  29. Alien Census

  30. Alien Census (no vanagon content)

  31. Alien Census french canadian

  32. All who asked for jpgs on instrument panel interchanging

  33. Amazing photo surprise

  34. Answer:Re: Milestone reached and Traction question

  35. Anyone have experience with selling / buying a van on eBay motors?

  36. Atlanta Area Meeting

  37. Audi 100 Wheels

  38. Battery cover Westy vs non-Westy?

  39. Battery?

  40. Bigger Problem than Coolent Sensor

  41. Bosch starter - difference between SR401X and SR19X?

  42. Brakes, still soft after bleeding - Help!

  43. BusFusion - Last Call

  44. BusFusion Activity Schedule update

  45. Calling all Syncro

  46. Camping Near Gettysburg?

  47. Can't get '80 Vanagon to pass emissions

  48. Cencus

  49. Census

  50. Census (any Vermonters out there)

  51. Census (my turn)

  52. Census info

  53. Census info..

  54. Census stats

  55. Chatters

  56. Chicago area Get Together

  57. Child seat teathers?

  58. Choice of ratio rockers: 1.25 - 1.3 - 1.4 - 1.5 plus cam equals total lift

  59. Clean Westie, Junkyards

  60. Clean Westy at junkyard, sad, happy day, long

  61. Clutch Chatter and Motor Mounts

  62. Comparison Shopping for Cars (Volkswagen & Toyota content)

  63. Comparison Shopping for Cars (Volkswagen content)

  64. Dash updates

  65. Details -Free Delivery 8K Type IV Engine

  66. Diesel Westy oil leak

  67. Discharging A/C system

  68. Does anybody know the address (Was:Milestone reached and Traction question)

  69. Does anyone rebuild air-cooled engines with increased performance? If I want to tweak mine what should I do?

  70. Driving Time to Guadalajara

  71. ETKA decoder

  72. Easy vanagon repairs, yes it can happen

  73. Easy vanagon repairs, yes it can happen-CLOCK

  74. Easy vanagon repairs: new brake rotors

  75. Eratic idle?

  76. Etka

  77. Ever tow a travel trailer?is possible?

  78. Exhausted, but quite...finally!


  80. FREE: Westy curtain rod cover

  81. FREE: grey/black headrests

  82. FREE: worn but usable carpet mats

  83. FS 1.9, 2.1 and diesel eng in local scrap yard

  84. FS: 1984 Westy

  85. FS: Vanagon captains chairs w/ adjustable armrests

  86. FS: front vanagon spoiler/air dam, fits all vanagons

  87. FS: vanagon middle/rear shoulder harness for child seats etc

  88. FS: westy stove & sink

  89. Fan On Rad Question?

  90. Fiberglass bumpers and body trim for sale

  91. Filter confused

  92. For Sale: 15" Alloy wheels for vanagon

  93. For sale drive axles 80-83 Aircooled Auto.

  94. For those that are curious...

  95. Found a part someone was needing

  96. Free Delivery 8K Type IV Engine

  97. Free route planning software

  98. Friday spell check comment

  99. Front wheel thumping sound

  100. Fuel line sheathing replacement?

  101. Fw: Discharging A/C system

  102. Fwd: Re: Where do I get Michelin MXTs (Reinforced) in 205/70R14?

  103. GMC motorhomes

  104. Gearing up for cross-country!

  105. Going to the Junkyard

  106. Great MPG westy on ebay

  107. Great Mechanic in So Cal

  108. Grill Wanted

  109. HELP airflow box problems

  110. HK change email address -- sorry for bw

  111. Have to leave

  112. Help - I've done it now!

  113. Hi Lift Cams, Rockers

  114. Hollister Syncro Movie & New Bus Press Kit CD

  115. How dynamometer measures horspower and torque. A Must have url

  116. How to diagnose a propane regulator?

  117. How to get to the archives

  118. How to remove rear heater cowling?

  119. How to reseal propane connection

  120. How to reseal propane connection?

  121. Humho Tirea

  122. Ignition? Constant Duty or Constant charge

  123. Installing Nicro solar vent in Westy?

  124. Internet car purchase

  125. Jerk made oil plug 5/8 thread - I guess I´m scr ewed!

  126. Jerk made oil plug 5/8 thread - I guess I´m screwed!

  127. K&N Air Filter

  128. Karl M. "The Westy Man"

  129. LINK to Mendocino Campout/Map/Directions

  130. Lifter Thoughts

  131. List Census

  132. List Census, stats, etc.

  133. List Member Bob Rogers

  134. List census

  135. Long Range gas tanks

  136. Looking 4 a Country Homes Vanagon Camper

  137. Making the Upper Bunk Comfy

  138. Mendo Campout Update June 1 AM

  139. Mendocino Campout Attachment

  140. Mendocino Campout is Happening!

  141. Mendocino Campout: Headline News!

  142. Mendocino Vote Count

  143. Milestone reached and Traction question

  144. Missing Coolant

  145. More on Rubber Bra

  146. More on sears auto dept

  147. Moving/ Any listees in or near Ocalla, FL?

  148. My Bus Depot Experience

  149. My Census Info

  150. My Stats for List Census...

  151. My Westy abandoned me for the second time this year :(

  152. My idea, (Was: Census)

  153. NVC .. FS 412 station wagon in Memphis, TN $3500

  154. Need Parts > anyone?

  155. Need electrial sockett for side marker light

  156. Need used parts

  157. Newcomer has Questions

  158. Nicro Solar Powervent--The Acid Test

  159. Off to travel /I might need your help

  160. Oil Cooler Adapter

  161. Oil Cooler for 2.1 WBX

  162. Oil Temps, Ullage, fill level

  163. Oil drain plug and Heli-coil

  164. One set of Sunburst Alloy Rims Left!

  165. Opinion of a Tiico customer

  166. Opinions from TIICO customers

  167. Opinions of Tiico Owners

  168. Order of vacuum fittings on 1.9L

  169. Owners Manuals

  170. Pads good, sounds not!

  171. Pensioner, Re: Oil Temps, Ullage, fill level

  172. Pictures of our German Army Transporter online!

  173. Poptop Screen repair/replacement

  174. Portable MIG and TIG welders

  175. Power steering leak

  176. Profiles?

  177. Ques about using List

  178. Question abut A/C and cosmetics

  179. Question on Waterboxer Power vs transplants.

  180. Re Re Seppuku?

  181. Re Waterboxer power vs Transplants

  182. Re; Seeking Advise About Long Distance Vanagon Buying.

  183. Rear Wheel Bearings again.

  184. Ree: SinceUs &tc.

  185. Refrigerator won't light, what to do?

  186. Repair or replace

  187. Replacing PopTop Screen

  188. Seppuku & 90'Westy power window motor. from Shogun.

  189. Seppuku?

  190. Shocks: KYB vs Bilstein

  191. Shower, anyone?

  192. Sliding door catch

  193. Stats

  194. SubaGon resale values

  195. SubaGon resale values/ATTN lostranger

  196. Swamped with work, will surface at end of week

  197. Syncro Driveshaft Vibration

  198. Syncro in Maryland FS

  199. T-junctions for rear heater...

  200. TIICO Conversion - URL

  201. Thanks Vendors

  202. Towing

  203. Traction

  204. Traction question -- poor man's limited slip

  205. Transporters by The Tunnel

  206. Treatment of "wrecks" by wreckers

  207. Trip rpt: Rain Forest and Sol Duc

  208. Trojan "batteries"(half an hour till Friday so here goes)[and damn i have too much free time]

  209. Trojan batteries

  210. Update on Waterboxer vs Transplant Power Options

  211. VW Camper Magazine Subscription Troubles!

  212. VW Howard looking for ideas...

  213. VW Paint Colors


  215. Vanagon Camper Tires

  216. Vanagon Shower

  217. Vanagon owner needs help

  218. Vanagon woes.

  219. Vanagon/Subaru Deep Thoughts

  220. Vanagon/Subaru Deep Thoughts...use a Link computer

  221. Vixen Motothomes (Was: 70's GMC motorhome)

  222. WBX Mods Graph

  223. WTB Rear/Middle seat Shoulder belt

  224. WTB-3 items

  225. WTB: Vanagon with auto transmission (bus, weekender, westy, syncro)

  226. Wanted

  227. Wanted!

  228. Wanted: Tune-up Advice

  229. Was: Exhausted, but quite...finally! Now Dremel!

  230. Water pump job in progress. 84 Westy 1.9L. Need advice.

  231. Waterboxer Power vs transplants

  232. Waterboxer vs Transplant Power Options

  233. Waterlogged Door

  234. Waterpump replacement on '84 Westy 1.9L is coming! Thermostat Question For You.

  235. Westy in junkyard in Torrance, CA

  236. What does a Waterboxer longblock weigh?

  237. What is a Tiico

  238. What is the best trailer hitch?

  239. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experience with Fast Forw...

  240. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experience with Fast Forward's Bush Bumper / Dennis Haynes / Tiico / Bus Depot Hitches?

  241. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experience withFast Forw...

  242. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experiencewith Fast Forw...

  243. What is the best trailer hitch? Anyone have any experiencewithFast Forw...

  244. Where do I get Michelin MXTs (Reinforced) in 205/70R14?

  245. Who turned up the boost on Gerry (our list server)?

  246. Whoops, Guadalajara, cont.....

  247. Wiper Stalk Advice - Don't Do What I Did!

  248. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance...

  249. [Anyone have experience with selling / buying a van on eBay motors?]

  250. [Easy vanagon repairs, yes it can happen]

  251. [Lifter Thoughts]

  252. [Re: Census]

  253. [Re: census]

  254. [Re: war of words]

  255. [Re: what the vw waterboxer offers?? wasRe: 85 Westfalia beeping]

  256. [Re: why so testy?]

  257. [Syncro] Part number for instrument panel LED?

  258. [Syncro] WBX Mods Graph

  259. [Syncro] suspension, wheels, ride quality and stability

  260. a/c install pictures

  261. battery isolator cost?

  262. bed/seat hinges?!

  263. brown window crank handles needed

  264. but...Exhaust nuts and bolts...

  265. buying/selling vans on ebay

  266. buying/selling vans on ebay (longish)

  267. cam follower bores

  268. census

  269. census - possibility of sending these p-mail?

  270. census AND "any other photographers"

  271. census+

  272. census...

  273. clutch chatter

  274. clutch pressure plate throw out bearing FS

  275. coolant temperature sensor

  276. etka

  277. fiberglass bumper color FOUND!!! (for "greenish" silver '87-'89 bumpers)

  278. fiberglass bumper color FOUND!!! (for "greenish" silver '87-'89bumpers)

  279. fiberglass bumper color FOUND!!! (for "greenish" silver'87-'89bumpers)

  280. front bilstiens with space?

  281. fuel milage

  282. has anyone tried h&r springs?

  283. hose clamp/ Easy vanagon repairs,

  284. how many photographers are among us?

  285. how to get rear brake drums off?

  286. hypothetical question followup...

  287. hypothetical question...

  288. installing alternator

  289. leaking water tank drain cap

  290. list census

  291. list census info

  292. more stats

  293. needed diesel oil pickup tube

  294. off subaru, vw ......engines

  295. oil fill level.....

  296. oil pressure switches

  297. paging Pat Dooley/RE: Transvair conversion information

  298. parting 74 84 88

  299. parting out vanagon poptop camper

  300. pdf parts list for '86

  301. performance mods for wbx

  302. power steering fluid

  303. rabbit cabriolet convertible boot for sale..New!

  304. radiator 82 diesel

  305. radiator 82 diesel, bio

  306. repost of Waterboxer vs transplants engine weights

  307. seats in westy

  308. seeking advice about long-distance Vanagon buying

  309. stats

  310. suspension and wheels

  311. test

  312. the reputation ruining list

  313. tiico engine swap

  314. time for summertime off

  315. torque converter won't fit

  316. trip report: Utah backcountry

  317. vacation

  318. vanagon Digest - 1 Jun 2001 - Special issue (#2001-680)

  319. vanagon Digest - 1 Jun 2001 - Special issue (#2001-682)

  320. vanagon grilles FS

  321. vanagons fs - not mine yet!

  322. volks-motorsports.

  323. war of words

  324. weekender bench seat release

  325. what do you need with a TIICO conversion

  326. what is this noise?

  327. what the vw waterboxer offers?? Lilleys & aircooleds

  328. what the vw waterboxer offers?? wasRe: 85 Westfalia beeping

  329. what's the deal with wheel spacers?

  330. why so testy?

  331. why so testy? Northern Maine mini trip report

  332. wish your van was a poptop? poptop assembly for sale
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.