Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – April 2003, week 5

Table of contents:

  1. "New" tranny on eBay

  2. $200 86 Vanagon GL for sale near Buffalo

  3. '84 GL Roller Needs a New Home

  4. 1987 GL question

  5. 225-75-15"s on a 2wd vanagon - it works!!!

  6. 8 miles per gallon solved!

  7. 85 wolfsburg weekender with awning kow miles

  8. 91 Westfalia

  9. 91 Westy in Florida

  10. <No subject>

  11. A/C help needed

  12. AC pressures

  13. ATTN: 80-83 Owners

  14. ATTN: 80-83 owners

  15. Adjusting Rear Brakes - any tips?

  16. Air Cooled Vanagon Westfalia POKEY for sale

  17. Anyone have Toyota wiring diagram w/ automatic headlights?

  18. Being Thankful (was oxy stuff)

  19. Bent my rod -- HELP!

  20. Clutch cylinders

  21. Clutch or tranny issue help nneded

  22. Compression possessions

  23. Custom Gauge Installation Options?

  24. Dealer repair disaster '89 Westfalia

  25. ECU NEEDED - me too!


  27. FS 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon - Hannover Edition

  28. FS compressor mount and headlight

  29. FS: '84 vanagon owners manual, also '82-84 westy curtains

  30. FS: 89 Westy in So. Calif.

  31. FS: German, Factory Lowered, springs from a 1988 GL Vanagon

  32. FS: Rubber boot betwen AFM and Throttle body 88 GL

  33. FS: Used 2.1 Engine & Auto Tranny

  34. FS: custom vanagon shift knob w/ Wolfsburg logo

  35. FS: full set of vanagon power door lock actuators, grey doorpanels

  36. FS: vanagon glovebox lock w/ 2 keys

  37. ForSale: 1.9L RARE expansion tank coolant Tee fittings - NLA new

  38. Fuel Line Size, Please

  39. Fuel filter replacement - Was: Stuttering at 3000 rpm

  40. Ghost lights

  41. Got the ISV

  42. Head Gaskets: Fall Leaky; Spring No Leaky

  43. Jesse James Tricked Out EV

  44. Muir Vanagon equivilant?

  45. Parts Needed: AT Shifter Box

  46. Rad fan--2 or 3 wire??? revealed

  47. Rad fan--2 or 3 wire???stumped

  48. Risk of fire?

  49. Sewfine carpet kits..any pics in your vans?

  50. South Carolina Salvage yards

  51. Stuck in 4th gear !

  52. Stuttering at 3000 rpm

  53. The King's English

  54. The King's English (FISH)

  55. Trip / Vehicle Expense Tracker

  56. VW resource in Stuart, Fla?

  57. Vanagon Driveability Complaints

  58. Vanagons - Official Repair Microfiche & Bentley book

  59. WTB: Hazard blinker switch

  60. Wolfy Died... 1st time I've seen this problem

  61. [1985 Digijet] Need help diagnosing no injector power

  62. [T2] Re: [VB] VW Bus story in Tucson paper...

  63. [WetWesties] Trip / Vehicle Expense Tracker

  64. [vanagon] Re: electric or hybrid conversion?

  65. black speedo cable box needed

  66. busses-n-boats-n-tunes

  67. capacitor fix

  68. high idle.

  69. less then 1500 vanagon

  70. oxygen sensors checking and theory

  71. pricing a 91 westfalia.

  72. rear heat distributor

  73. rear tire carriers for vanagons?

  74. replace cat converter - tough job?

  75. totalled westy? value was:Re: 85 wolfsburg weekender with awning kow miles

  76. vanagon adventures in seattle?

  77. wtb: Air Intake Boot
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