Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – December 1995

Table of contents:

  1. RE: (19 lines)
    From: Scott Allred <>
  2. '56 Kombi Resto Progress

  3. '60 Double Door / '58 Type II FS

  4. '67 Transporter for sale

  5. '71 westy FS near SF bay area

  6. '72 carb rebuild

  7. '72+ bus heater blower

  8. '73 Bad Tyre Wear

  9. '74 Camper-please help!

  10. '75 Westy:Parcel shelf plans

  11. '75 breadloaf FS near SF

  12. '79 Bus. . .grounded again (sigh)

  13. '79 Camper Bus Main Drive Bearing Prob, etc..

  14. '79 blue smoke

  15. '79 f.i./carb conversion (finally)

  16. '79 f.i./carb coversion (finally)

  17. '80 Vanagon emissions question

  18. '81 2.0L AFC "thermostat"

  19. '81 VW rebuild report

  20. '84 Wasserboxer won't start -- update

  21. '87 FI problem (was high idle)

  22. '87 goofy idle

  23. '97 Eurovan ($$$)

  24. (1) Dry sumping and (2) oil heat and (3) MSDS

  25. (3) MSDS


  27. (F) Re: Shop Manuals

  28. (Fwd) Temperature Adjustment

  29. (U)Re: VWs in Hollywood

  30. (fwd) BUS-electricals?

  31. (fwd) Parting out '74 Van

  32. (fwd) Rooftop carrier FS

  33. *Women don't understand (was SO convincing)

  34. /f Co-Worker's Quote on my VW's

  35. /f NYE Resolution (was Re: love our "bricks" so much?)

  36. /f Observations on Calif.

  37. /f Re: dashboard alters

  38. /f Top speed

  39. 100,000 km badges ...

  40. 12/15 party (martha's) update

  41. 125 HP Wasserboxer Ghia

  42. 125 HP Wasserboxer Ghia (non-transplant for Vanagon)

  43. 15% off

  44. 1700 Bus motor for sale

  45. 1929 BUSatti Advice?

  46. 1961 karmann ghia For Sale

  47. 1977 Westy

  48. 1980 VW Camper for sale

  49. 1985 Vanagon Cooling Problem after drive from Atlanta to Durham

  50. 1987 Camper Center Swivel Seat

  51. 1988 bus reaches 100,00 miles!!! film at eleven.

  52. 1988 bus reaches 100,000 miles!!! film at eleven.

  53. 1989 Westie - What's a good price?

  54. 1996 International Vanagon Meet... 1/1/96 Brussels

  55. 2.5 Liter Wasserboxer-Ahnendorp

  56. 2.5 Litre Big Motors From Brian

  57. 2.5 litre upgrade kit

  58. 23Horror Story...Lee reply ( L)

  59. 3 feet and as many hands

  60. 5-lug to american rims

  61. 58 pickup FS/junkyard tour

  62. 6 volt bulbs.

  63. 63 Westy sold for CHEAP

  64. 66 Camper

  65. 66 VW Bug $250

  66. 66 VW Bug $250 (fwd)

  67. 67 type II FS in NYC w/Westy interior (fwd)

  68. 68-71 westy or sunroof

  69. 69 campmobile for sale ...

  70. 71 Bus: 8Amp or 16Amp...?

  71. 71 Bus: Lola needs her steering wheel removed, please help!

  72. 78 VW Bus 4 Sale

  73. 78 VW Bus 4 Sale (fwd)

  74. 79 Bus -- running at last!!!

  75. 80 Westfalia engine compartment , Bentley manuals, Weekend work

  76. 80 vanagon heat duct

  77. 81 2.0L AFC, oil cooler question

  78. 84 Wasserboxer won't start -- update

  79. 84 Westy Stumbles - Update includes emissions

  80. 84 cooling ?

  81. 84 random hiccup

  82. 84 waterspitter runs again!

  83. 85 Odd Cooling problems

  84. 85 VW Westfalia Camper

  85. 87 Vanagon Engine Swap Success (LONG!)

  86. 89 Syncro Vanagon FS

  87. <No subject>

  88. ? more leaky heads...

  89. ?clutch arm

  90. A Manual Question

  91. A Manual Question/Haynes+H2O?

  92. A newcomer seeks advice

  93. A newcomer seeks advice...

  94. A reason for dropped valve seats

  95. AC Belt size?

  96. Accessories available for Silver Socket ??

  97. Address change for VW forsale www site

  98. Adjustable Regulator $20 by Mail!!!

  99. All the newcomer advice... Thanks!

  100. Alt & O2 lights on, Final Chapter

  101. Alternator & O2 lights

  102. Alternator & O2 lights on

  103. Alternator, V.R. question

  104. Ample Power Products?

  105. Another T II at the Auction

  106. Another one with an anti-freeze leak.

  107. Another pair of Kadrons FS

  108. Any body in Pasadena this weekend?

  109. Any good VW mechanics in Portland OR Area?

  110. Any sources for vinyl flaps up front?

  111. Anyone from Charlotte, NC?

  112. Anyone going to Grateful NYE in San Rafael?

  113. Anyone near Lincoln, Nebraska?

  114. Archive site for old messages?

  115. Argh! My transmission went kaput!

  116. Australian campers (to rent)

  117. Auxilliary Light in Engine Bay

  118. Awning info..

  119. BTU Requirements For Heat

  120. BUS-electricals?

  121. Back In Service

  122. Bad Short '73 Bus

  123. Bad Tool, bad, bad, tool.

  124. Barn Door P/U

  125. Barn Door P/U (was 23-Window Whore Story)

  126. Batteries/Dual Installation

  127. Baywindow Cargo Door "Gasket" Hack

  128. Bentley Manuals

  129. Bentley Manuals 1980 Vanagon Camper

  130. Bentley Response to EV Manual Querry

  131. Bentley manual costs

  132. Berndt Ahnendorp Sport

  133. Big Sur trip

  134. Bits Page

  135. Bits for Dworkin's page

  136. Blizzak tires

  137. Bob Hoover Web Pages Down For a Short While

  138. Bob Hoover Web Site Back Up

  139. Bra offer closed. thanks.

  140. Brake booster questions for '71

  141. Brakes

  142. Breadloaf bus ducting

  143. Breaking the speed barrier

  144. Brotherly love

  145. Brrr! It's freezin' in here!

  146. Bus Fog Lights

  147. Bus Wierdness Sorted Out

  148. Bus info

  149. Bus questions

  150. Bus top speed, not about spelling!

  151. Bus trip Vancouver to Artic Ocean

  152. Butting Heads with Transform

  153. Butting Heads...(long)

  154. Buying a bus: scenario...

  155. CA Smog Impact Avoidance(?)

  156. California Syncro Off-Road Trip

  157. Camper Top Transplant

  158. Camper cabinets

  159. Camper water & power ports

  160. Camping in Sleepers

  161. Camping in sleepers (or is it...)

  162. Can I replace my back seats of 84 van with newer seats?

  163. Canadians: Q-beam

  164. Carb Rebuild (Timing adjustment update) Suggestions needed...

  165. Carb vs FI in Vanagon

  166. Carb vs. FI in Vanagon?

  167. Carbon buildup

  168. Centerfold Spittie

  169. Cheap struts for Vgon rear hatch

  170. Checking up on mechanic's bleeding radiator method

  171. Christmas VW ideas:EWA

  172. Christmas in London

  173. Chrome Wheels

  174. Class III Hitches; Skid Plates

  175. Classifieds -- Vanagons

  176. Cleaning engine parts

  177. Clutch master cylinder question

  178. Clutch pedal doesn't return?

  179. Clutchless in Ca. Update

  180. Clutchless in California

  181. Coil Draining Battery?

  182. Cold and afraid of Route 80

  183. Cold-Starting Problem

  184. Convincing MYSELF

  185. Convincing my wife...

  186. Convincing my wife...(famous last words)

  187. Cookies?

  188. Coolant Leaks Underneath

  189. Coolant disappearing

  190. Coolant reservoir overflow?

  191. Cooling Oddities on 85 GL

  192. Cooling oddities on 85 GL

  193. Cops buses / weakly stats

  194. Cops buses and profiles

  195. Correction

  196. Cost of Operating Vanagon

  197. Coughing solved: Attn. AFC FI owners!

  198. Cruise control for '80-82 Vanagon

  199. D. Easterwood's Holiday Trek



  202. DC Holiday Fest Report

  203. DC holiday event.

  204. DC/Baltimore listers: This Sunday 1PM

  205. DIY Head Gaskets, (Long) Please Check!

  206. DIY Head Gaskets, How?

  207. DOA: 87 Syncro GL

  208. DaBoat 2-liter update - it lives! (long)

  209. DaBoat 2-liter update - it lives! (long)availability of Cofap piston/liners

  210. DaBoat 2-liter update - it lives! (long)availability of Cofap piston/liners (fwd)

  211. DaBoat runs, but slowly

  212. Daboat runs, but slowly - solution!

  213. Dash brake light

  214. Dash lights rehab

  215. Dashboard Altars

  216. Dave Easterwood's Holiday Trek II

  217. Day of Protest

  218. Dead End

  219. Dear Egallant, wrt your reference to the Microbus:

  220. Decision

  221. Deep Water Driving

  222. Deep Water Driving/Snow Depth

  223. Delta Six morph

  224. Demented Dworkin's Used Bus Bits

  225. Dennis Haynes Is Coming! (& syncro hitch run)

  226. Dilemma solved!?!?

  227. Dilemma solved!?!? (include '83's)

  228. Dilemma(kinda long)

  229. Diving right in...

  230. Door and Hatch Seals for 80 Vgon?

  231. ECU and connector wire request.

  232. EFI - Caution - dangerous fuel pressure

  233. EFI - Caution - dangerous fuel pressure (fwd)

  234. EV Accessory LIst

  235. EV Accessory List

  236. EV Automatics, "EV Needs a home"

  237. EV Bentley manual next summer

  238. EV Engine Noise Relief

  239. EV Fog Light switches....

  240. EV Jumpseat Question

  241. EV Sliding windows.

  242. EV Ventshades

  243. EV eng. temp.

  244. EV needs good home....

  245. EV needs good home...[2]

  246. EV propane filling?

  247. EV's are amazing.

  248. EV: Michellins - 100....Conti's - 0!

  249. EVers...Want me to get stuff in Yurrup?

  250. Early Bus Heat Distribution

  251. Early Christmas in Maryland!

  252. Early Christmas in Maryland! (fwd)

  253. East Coast Inuvik: Labrador!

  254. Easterwood's amphibious westy

  255. Emission update 84 Westy

  256. Emissions

  257. Emissions Inspection 1980 Vanagon Westfalia

  258. Emissions again.

  259. Emissions shuffle

  260. Emissions shuffle - quick fix for test

  261. Engine Oil Pre-Luber

  262. Engine conversions (was: Why do we all love our "bricks" so much?)

  263. Engine transplant ideas??

  264. Engine transplants

  265. Engine-stand search, northern Utah

  266. Enging transplants, radiators on ba

  267. EuroVan Accessories..or lack thereof

  268. Eurovan Bentley Manuals, I'm getting something.

  269. Eurovan Bentley manual info

  270. Eurovan Service manuals are here!

  271. Eurovan banter...was Re: Update the database

  272. Eurovan parts

  273. Extended Warranty, Anybody heard of these people?

  274. Extractor & Heat

  275. F-L-A-T SPOTS

  276. F/ Bus sighting story

  277. FAQ Needs Critiquing

  278. FAQ Needs Critiquing (Re: Thom's Comment)

  279. FFFestive FFFFollies fffor the Season ... :)

  280. FI Puzzles Bosch Mechanic

  281. FI computer Eproms

  282. FI overpressure gauge

  283. FOR-SALE: 2 VW's

  284. FOR-SALE: 2 VW's/New Orleans

  285. FS '70 camper int. So.Cal.

  286. FS '70 camper van $500

  287. FS CO 74 Camper

  288. FS in Maryland

  289. FS in the Want Ad Weekly Classifieds

  290. FS: '63 Notchback

  291. FS: Hippie VANS

  292. FS: V8 Vanagon - Ultimate Transplant?

  293. FS: VW Parts

  294. FS: VW Vanagon GL 1985 - $2800

  295. FS: VW Vanagon GL 1985 - $2800 (fwd)

  296. FS: VW badges, (for xmas?)

  297. FW: diesels...wusupwitdat?

  298. Fan switch/wiring (was No Subject)

  299. Farenheit conversion

  300. Finally....(long)

  301. Flat Spot

  302. Flat Spot Fixed

  303. For Martha, Gas containers...

  304. For all you Porsche engine wannabees...

  305. For sale,84 vw vanagon

  306. For sale,84 vw vanagon (fwd)

  307. For sale,84 vw vanagon*********************************

  308. For sale,84 vw vanagon********************************* (fwd)

  309. Fording Depth

  310. Fording Depth/ resurrection of a 66

  311. Forwarded: FS 60 Double Door

  312. Found: used Kadrons for sale

  313. Free German=English Email Translator Service

  314. Friday? then here's the Weakly Stats ...

  315. Front roof carrier for Westy

  316. GEX is on my sh*t list

  317. GEX rebuild update

  318. Gas Heat in a Splittie...

  319. Gas Heat in a Splittie....

  320. Gas Heater

  321. Gas Heater FS in CO

  322. Gas Heater Fuel Pump.....

  323. Gas Heater Mechanic....

  324. Gas Heater Thermostat

  325. Gas Heaters

  326. Gas heaters in Splitties

  327. Gasoline FAQ

  328. Get Smart

  329. Gettin ready to leave

  330. Giving away my bra...

  331. Gone for the holidays...

  332. Good News

  333. Good News/ 3rd gears woes

  334. Gottabus revisited clarification...

  335. Gottabus!

  336. Gottabus! Revisited...

  337. Govt. Surplus VWs

  338. Great VW mechanic in Raleigh, NC

  339. Greetings / gas heater info

  340. Greetings and Help

  341. Grendel & The Man

  342. H2O Head Info / VW-Bago Westy / dealer

  343. HELP!

  344. HOT VWs want ads ...

  345. HR e-mail non-essential?

  346. Happy Holidays

  347. Happy Holidays Everyone!

  348. Happy Holidays!

  349. Happy Holidays!!

  350. Happy Holidays/re: Minivan Westy!

  351. Heat Exchanger mystery, solved!

  352. Heat exchanger wierdness

  353. Heat exchanger wierdness, repost

  354. Heat in a '74

  355. Heat/Hot Showers Cheap!

  356. Heater Box

  357. Heater Box/Ball Joint/Tie Rod Questions

  358. Heater invention

  359. Help identifying engine, 77 bus

  360. Help me get my front seats apart!

  361. Help on buying '87 Westy

  362. Help! '71 Generator Light

  363. Help: 80 Westfalia propane tank location

  364. Hey - Harry Yates/Canucks

  365. Hey Ric G., Rude folks in rec.vw.H2) :)

  366. Hey Ric G., Rude folks in rec.vw.H2O :)

  367. Hey, a Minivan Westy!

  368. High Idle Speed Problem

  369. High Idle problem, help!

  370. Holiday Cheer/Audi rims

  371. Holiday Greetings

  372. Holiday Trek II

  373. Holiday Trek, meet bus owners?

  374. Homemade bras???

  375. Honest Bay Area Mechanics?

  376. Hot floor in '73

  377. How to fix a rear window defogger?

  378. I Got my Xmas Present!!

  379. I have a 71 camper now!

  380. I need a door panel

  381. I'm gone til Jan 2

  382. I've had it

  383. IT (Re)engineering at VW Wolfsburg

  384. Ideas on my '67 microbus??

  385. Improved Voltage Regulator (more volts) For Vanagon

  386. Info on '87 Westy needed!

  387. Interesting Camper Bus Sighting

  388. Introduction

  389. Inuvik (Arctic) Trip Monthly posting.

  390. Is there a Chevrolet list?

  391. Is there a problem with listserv?

  392. It's a girl!!!

  393. It's not my starter

  394. J. C. Whitney error

  395. Jerque du Jour

  396. Junkyard Trip

  397. Kennedy developments

  398. Kick Panels

  399. Labrador

  400. Late while driving

  401. Late Westys: Remove Your Stove/Sink Lid Latch (& make coffee while driving)

  402. Later

  403. Leakin' oil

  404. LiMBO Want Ads ... commercial stuff:

  405. LiMBO Want Ads ... wanted:

  406. LiMBO want ad ... more camper crazies! ... :)

  407. LiMBO want ads ... for sale:

  408. LiMBO's new E-mail address

  409. Light for synchro

  410. Listen to your wife ( WAS: Convincing my wife...)

  411. Little Martha running, but not driving yet (long)

  412. Loose stub axle?

  413. Lousy Type I Heads


  415. MSRP prices for 1988 Vanagons wanted

  416. Major Breakthough

  417. Manuals

  418. Many Thanks to all: Lola's Steering Wheel is off (an onagan..)

  419. Maxwell Smart's car (was VWs in Hollywood....)

  420. Mazda Westy? SyncroJeep?

  421. Mazda model badges for sale

  422. Mcodes on line!

  423. Meeting w/VW reps

  424. Mermen, Sound Isulation/Absorbtion

  425. Merry Christmas

  426. Merry Christmas!

  427. Michelin tires & EV recalls

  428. Might Need Help! Are you along I-40???

  429. Model Summary for 1987 Van

  430. Model Summary for 1987 Vanagon USA

  431. More Hiccups

  432. More Neighbors

  433. More on "Clutchless in Ca."

  434. More on Exhaust fumes in early buses

  435. More on Snow tires: Nokia Hakappelitta 10

  436. More short in '73 bus

  437. Mudflap measurement needed

  438. Muir Interactive

  439. My VW New Years Resolutions

  440. My Webpage

  441. My new mail address

  442. N. Y.'s eve party (martha's)

  443. NC 80 Vanagon Emissions testing concerns

  444. NC Gathering - SAT. 12/9

  445. NM SyncroWestie

  446. Needabus? -- Busses 4 sale in MD, DC, VA

  447. Neighbors!!

  448. New 23Window Horror Story...

  449. New Member

  450. New Provider

  451. New Subscriber

  452. New Webscene: Volksaddict

  453. New Year's Eve party

  454. New guy on list need feedback

  455. New to list, anyone want to trade bus for BMW 2002:)

  456. No Subject

  457. No go (straight) on ice

  458. No go on ice

  459. No more road tax for me!

  460. Noisy console

  461. Noisy console II

  462. Non-Transplant: Prices of Ahnendorp Wasserboxer Mods

  463. O2 Sensor

  464. OBRS

  465. OBRS: First call out?

  466. Odo broke.....

  467. Oettinger & 2.5 litre Vanagon Motors

  468. Official Band Announcement

  469. Oil Cooler Locations ?

  470. Oil Cooler?

  471. Oil Drain plug washer : Where to get?

  472. Oil Pump Replacement Diesel...

  473. Oil pressure Gauge?

  474. Oil pressure Gauge? (fwd)

  475. Old Bus Review/Wannabusers

  476. Old bus sighting, Value? and Rebuild

  477. Opinions on Auto Trans Vanagons?

  478. Our Alaska Trip (long)

  479. Owners Manuals

  480. P.C.

  481. PNW Camping Trip/Stove Install

  482. PNW Gathering of the Vans

  483. PNW gathering

  484. PNW gathering of the vans


  486. POR-20 exhaust paint--1st impression

  487. Parting out '74 Van

  488. Partners and CV joints

  489. Passing Smog?

  490. Personal, private thoughts.

  491. Pianos

  492. Pick One, Dammit

  493. Pittsburg, PA?

  494. Please help with carb, timing, & idle!

  495. Pop Top seal replacement

  496. Power brake booster on Type II

  497. Pre 67 Bus/camper

  498. Price opinions on a '83 Westy

  499. Prices !@#$%

  500. Propane Tank Gauge

  501. Pulling a boat

  502. Q: Rust in seams

  503. Questions on a 2nd Battery

  504. Questions on a 2nd battery

  505. Questions on my new Camper!

  506. RE (2): Forwarded: FS 60 Double Door

  507. RE: Cruise control for '80-82 Vanagon

  508. RE:89 Syncro for sale

  509. RE:EV Bentley manual next summer

  510. RE:bike storage and vehicle choices

  511. Radiator Cover on Vanagon

  512. Radiator Cover on Vangon

  513. Rain Made a Mess of my Bus :(

  514. Random coughing during acceleration/cruising (2.0l FI)

  515. Re :Sleeping position

  516. Re- 84 random hiccup

  517. Re-New 'Brain'-88 Westy

  518. Re: 84 random hiccup

  519. Re: Cruise control for '80-82 Vanagon

  520. Re: O2 Sensor

  521. Re: anti-freeze leak

  522. Re: water leak underneath dash when it rains

  523. Re[2]: Heater Box

  524. Re[3]: Engine transplant ideas??

  525. Recent Observations-

  526. Recirculating heat in '74-'79 camper

  527. Recirculating heat in '74-'79 camper (update)

  528. Recurring air in my cooling system

  529. Reinforced Snow Tires

  530. Repost on Smog

  531. Restoration question.

  532. Result of Cooling Oddities

  533. Road Test 1984 SA Oettinger Microbus

  534. Road Test 1989 VW SA Caravelle Syncro

  535. Road Test: 1991 VW SA 2,5i Caravelle

  536. Road trip: NC to Utah

  537. Roof Rack for Sale

  538. Roof top storage box

  539. Rough Clutch, How bad is bad?

  540. Running rich & hot, How do I check my Oxygen Sensor?

  541. Rust free inN.E?

  542. Rust in seams

  543. Rustoleum propellent pressure


  545. Sad story, from long ago....

  546. Sarah's Webpage ! (f)

  547. Saw a Vanagon fer sell.

  548. Seattle area,need cheap good vw machanic

  549. Selecting Gears

  550. Sharan Sighting

  551. Shirts

  552. Shocking discovery

  553. Shop Manuals

  554. Shop manuals

  555. Silicon Sealant for engine tin ?

  556. Sleeping in Campers

  557. Sleeping in Campers - headbanging

  558. Sleeping in Vanagons

  559. Sliding Door Problem

  560. Small Problem

  561. Smokin' 'n' leakin' !

  562. Smoooooooth Shifting

  563. Snowtire update

  564. Snowtire update (long)

  565. So Cal Junkyard Tour

  566. So looong, Farewelllll

  567. Soldering iron: a recommendation

  568. Soldering irons

  569. Speed

  570. Speedo Finale

  571. Speedo Woes

  572. Speedo light replacement

  573. Splitfire Sparkplugs

  574. Splitting a TI Case and RearEngineMountBolts: CAUTION!

  575. Starter relay bypass repost

  576. Stereo and speakers

  577. Steve's Big Adventure

  578. Still looking for a '71 Westy

  579. Storm, out, EV

  580. Strange Bus Behavior

  581. Strange Bus Behavior, part II

  582. Strange Request

  583. Stripped Bleeder Bolt (Postmortem)

  584. Stripped Drain Plug Hole--How I Corrected(?) It

  585. Stripped bleeder bolt!

  586. Subaru engines, Renault as the car of the year and Labrador

  587. Surprising Syncro Sighting

  588. Surprising Syncro Sighting Part 2

  589. Sway Bar Clamps Body Panels

  590. Swing Axle Bug to bus questions.

  591. Syncro & 4WD Insignia

  592. Syncro Madness Pics

  593. Syncro Story (long)

  594. Syncro Vanagon lifting Brainwork

  595. Syncro Westy conversion

  596. Syncro pricing (was 89 Syncro for sale)


  598. THIS weekend- YAYYY


  600. Techron

  601. Temperature Adjustment

  602. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  603. The color of your smoke (was '79 bus...grounded again)

  604. Timing with a 009 Distributor..?

  605. Tire Wear

  606. Tire chains

  607. Tires

  608. Today's One for the Books

  609. Toll inquiry: 12 spline thingy

  610. Tom Wilson Head Torquing

  611. Too Slow? Too Bad!

  612. Too much heat?....

  613. Too slow, too bad

  614. Top Speed

  615. Top Speed /f

  616. Top Ten from Old Bus Registry

  617. Top speed

  618. Touch of heat...

  619. Transform?

  620. Transplants - MSDS

  621. Transporter/Vanagon 1600 AirCooled.

  622. Tune Up Question: Distributor & Timing

  623. Two Down, One To Go, Snow On the Way...

  624. Update on drain Plug (stripped)

  625. Update the database

  626. Update: Why's One Side Hotter?

  627. V6 Transplant (WAS Surprising Syncro Sighting Part 2)

  628. V6anagon Chronicles /L

  629. V6anagon Trip: Day 1 (continued) /L

  630. V6anagon/ Route 66, Day 3, part B

  631. V6anagon/ Route 66, Day 3, part B /L

  632. V6anagon/ Route 66: Day 2 /L

  633. V6anagon/ Route 66: Day 3, Part 1 /L

  634. V6anagon/Route 66: Day 4, Home at last /L

  635. V6anagon: Get your kicks on Rte 66 /f

  636. VANAGON digest 721


  638. VW 4x4 syncro viscous coupling

  639. VW F.S...

  640. VW NewYears Resolutions (F)

  641. VW U-Boat (LONG)

  642. VW emblem

  643. VW engine replacements ending?

  644. VW powered "Bugatti"

  645. VW sighting (Field of Dreams)

  646. VW's on TV

  647. VW's on the big screen

  648. VWOA Head Replacement

  649. VWoA's address

  650. VWs in Hollywood

  651. VWs in Hollywood [Get Smart!]]

  652. VWs in Hollywood [was VW sighting (Field of Dreams)]

  653. VWs in hollywood...I forgot one...

  654. Vanagon Idle Speed Problem

  655. Vanagon Verified

  656. Vanagon cold weather problems

  657. Vanagon head seals

  658. Vanagon owner's manuals

  659. Vanagon rear speakers (in the AC unit)

  660. Vanagon snow performance

  661. Vanagon transmission fixed.

  662. Vanagon@lenti Bumper Sticker

  663. Variable temp solder iron.

  664. Vodka as anti-freeze

  665. Voltage Regulator

  666. Voltage Regulator Test 80 Vanagon


  668. WTB: Camper for Xmas present (for myself!)

  669. Wannabus to Gottabus: How To

  670. Wannabus to Gottabus: How To ...

  671. Want to Lease/Buy VW in Europe

  672. Wanted,machanic,seattle area,works cheap

  673. Wanted: 71-74 Westie Interior

  674. Wanted: Kennedy Eng. #

  675. Warm buses

  676. Was Top Speed

  677. Wasserboxer fuel injectors

  678. Waterboxer starting problems

  679. Weakly Stats ...

  680. Weakly Stats ... yes, it's Friday again! :)

  681. Web Pages

  682. Webpage is finally uploaded!

  683. Weekly Statistics

  684. Westie Propane Gauge?

  685. Westie Propane Gauge? (fwd)

  686. Westphalia, MO, KS, IN

  687. Westys FS-Phoenix/Tucson, AZ, USA

  688. Westys FS-Phoenix/Tucson, Az, USA

  689. What Bay? was Re: sunroof like i Jurassic Park, The Mermen

  690. What Luck

  691. What do these codes mean?

  692. Where to find radio schematics?

  693. Which carbs.?

  694. Who is walking the "free horsepower" talk? And how?

  695. Who makes these racks?

  696. Why do we all love our "bricks" so much?

  697. Why's one side hotter (1600 DP)

  698. Wife/Partner/SO Convincing

  699. Will 73-74 bug parts fit a '74 van?

  700. Windshield wipers

  701. Winter and battery

  702. X-mas break, gone for a month!

  703. Zeroxed owner's manuals

  704. [Fwd: 85 VW Westfalia Camper]

  705. about the REAL cost of ownership

  706. additional fuel tanks ...

  707. address change

  708. aftermarket ignition systems

  709. air cooleds in Hollywood

  710. air intake for crankcase on '81 2.L?

  711. alternator wire hookup connection

  712. another place to look for parts

  713. anti-freeze leak

  714. any EuroVans out there? (and prob. to watch for)

  715. any eurovans out there

  716. any eurovans out there?

  717. any eurovans out there? (Heat???)

  718. back seat

  719. back to fuel injection

  720. battery venting

  721. best address for Drews?

  722. bike storage

  723. bus bits and mail problems

  724. bus for sale ...

  725. bus-buying checklist?

  726. bye for christmas

  727. california markings

  728. camping in sleepers (or is it...)

  729. carbon cleanup

  730. carrying extra gas

  731. carrying extra gas/f(sort of)

  732. catalog you'll ALL love

  733. clay pot heaters

  734. clunking noise is baaack!

  735. coil over springs / V6anagon chronicles

  736. coil over springs for busses with sagging rear ends?

  737. coil overs

  738. cold solder and other maladies

  739. corporate holiday:just for fun

  740. dash lights

  741. dashboard altars <Spelling,dude,spelling>

  742. dashboard alters

  743. detailing stripes

  744. diesels...wusupwitdat?

  745. disk brakes on a splitty. how?

  746. door-lock problem

  747. early report on synthetic tranny lube

  748. electric heaters?

  749. engine swap memories...

  750. eurovan/winnebago

  751. eurovan/winnebago ... on sale! :)

  752. evaluating/storing an engine

  753. even stranger request...

  754. exhaust for stock motor

  755. exhaust gaskets + permatex?

  756. exhaust manifold leak fix?

  757. extended warranties

  758. extended warranty

  759. extra gas

  760. f.i. or carburation?

  761. f/ Arctic Tour Tool Kit

  762. finding the "free horsepower", continued!

  763. for the Inuvik bunch ... :)

  764. for you UK folks ...

  765. ftp site?

  766. getting started, TDC, hyd. lifters

  767. gift shopping help ... :)

  768. gopher search on vanagon list

  769. heater assist kit

  770. heater duct repair questions

  771. help alinging early bus door

  772. help! vanagon engine rebuild

  773. hmm, i'm back/NYE trip?

  774. home for the holidays

  775. how do I find vanagon bulletin archievs

  776. i felt a touch of heat, yea!!

  777. idle stabilizer Gulf

  778. if you've been trying to contact me...

  779. injection to carb conversion: summary

  780. intro.

  781. is it my CV joints

  782. jump!

  783. kick panels

  784. leaving but will be back

  785. lifting syncros for bleeding radiator

  786. looking for 1987 or newer camper

  787. looking for aircooled 2.0

  788. looking for:

  789. loss of power

  790. luggage carrier for top of '71 bus

  791. mailer working(

  792. mailer working?

  793. manuals

  794. more bus doings

  795. more bus doings and warping

  796. more place names ... :)

  797. more sect's appeal ... ??? :)

  798. motor mount replacement? '81 2.0L AFC Westy

  799. muffler for Vanagons

  800. need '76 or later bellhousing

  801. need back heatercore for 84 vanagon. help

  802. need, new 1.9L engine,where do I get one?

  803. new to list

  804. no start

  805. no start - now starts!

  806. no start -(

  807. no start :(

  808. oops! my screw up

  809. our numbers

  810. paint codes

  811. party (martha's)

  812. party reminder (N.Y.'s eve)

  813. party reminder (martha's)

  814. party reminder!

  815. personal to Dworkin

  816. pfeiffer update

  817. pressure testing cooling system

  818. propylene glycol washer fluid

  819. public thanks to dean aukes!

  820. raceware vanagon head studs

  821. re:A Manual Question/Haynes+H2O?

  822. reassemble on the tranny from long block?

  823. regulator needed

  824. removing the fan housing, engine in car?

  825. repost: 71 camper for sale (IL)

  826. repost: buses for sale in the UK

  827. repost: wanted: 83 camper

  828. retorquing heads

  829. rotary swap

  830. searching for potable water pump

  831. silly, silly, Sean

  832. simple engine questions.

  833. spare tire window wash

  834. sport racks on Westys

  835. stearing box parts and ideas

  836. steering wheel restoration ...

  837. sunroof like i Jurassic Park

  838. sunroof like i Jurassic Park, The Mermen

  839. sunroof like in Jurassic Park

  840. the other head gasket leak...

  841. thermal storage in wasse

  842. thermal storage in wasserboxer

  843. to fuel inject or not to fuel inject

  844. tree trimming party at martha's

  845. tree-trim party report

  846. trim(ming) party (martha's)

  847. ultimate transplant-almost

  848. unsubbing 12/29-1/9

  849. vanagon mailing list

  850. vent fan

  851. vw+women=heaven?

  852. vwcoa autoist want ads ...

  853. wanted: synchro westy

  854. was - Vanagon rear speakers - now fa

  855. was - Vanagon rear speakers - now falling evap assembly

  856. wasserboxer coolant bleeding: a repost

  857. wasserboxer tune-up report, part 1

  858. water leak underneath dash when it rains

  859. weight of motor?

  860. weird split sighting..

  861. westphalia and other towns ...

  862. westy refrigerator

  863. what to look for when buying 83 westy

  864. where to stay when you're away?

  865. why we love out bricks so much

  866. www flamebait

  867. xmas present

  868. yards in OH or southern Mi

  869. you say you wanna drive something SAFE??? :)

  870. your mail
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.