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Date:         Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:04:55 -0700
Reply-To:     Gerald Masar <azsun99@EARTHLINK.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Gerald Masar <azsun99@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject:      Rear Bearings   R&R
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin" <antelopewesty@ADELPHIA.NET> To: <vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:06 PM Subject: Rear Bearings R&R

> Hi Everyone, > Here it is a step by step of the rear bearings for the archives. You should > still have a bentley and be familar with packing bearings and such. It's a > big messy project and I wasted alot of time noodleing checking the archives > calling my mechanic so I hope to save someone that leg work. I did this on > my 2wd Vanagon. Now would also be a great time to renew your CV Joints and > Rear Breaks. Please feel free to email me your comment's and I'll keep them > all so I can post this on a site a some point. > > > R & R of Rear bearings for VW Vanagon > > > Tools needed: > 46MM Socket and driver I like the sears ¾ inch drive (slide) for this > 13mm socket > 7/8 socket > 17mm socket > Cheater bar good 3ft would be great. > Good size punch > Big hammer like 2 ½ pound mini sledge works great > Internal hog ring pliers > 6mm Allen socket for CV bolts > Jack / Jack stands > Vise > Flat head Screwdrivers > Bleeder valve wrench (sorry I forgot the size) > Torque wrench > Brake bleeder > Lug wrench > Mechanic's wire > Bentley Manuel pages 42.2 42.4 42.5 > Optional: > Seal puller > Cv joint pin spreaders > > Supplies: > Inner and outer bearings > Inner and outer seals > Bearing grease high temp, choose your flavor there's a lot but DO NOT USE > THE CV JOINT GREASE > 2 Rolls of paper towels > Box of rubber gloves > PB Blaster > Brake Cleaner > Brake fluid > Lock tite (blue) medium > Old clothes they will be garbage at the end of the job > Anti seize > Simple Green or Degreaser > Old toothbrush > Shopping Baggies > Zip lock type sandwich Baggies > Optional > CV boots and grease > Bearing spacers > Slotted Axel nuts (A must if yours are rusty and worn) > > > > > > > Work Sequence: > 1. Remove the cotter pin on the axle nut. > (If you have alloys you may have to take the wheel off if you do then put it > back on and put the bus back on the ground) > Spray the axle nut with the PB Blaster > > 2. Loosen axle nut you will need a big cheater and chock the wheel. > 3. Chock front wheels fore and aft, put bus on jack stands and remove wheel. > Put your lug nuts in a baggie. > 4. Remove 2 little Drum bolts then remove drum with hub (you may need to > knock the drum with the hammer a little) > 5. On the back of Backing plate on top remove Metal brake line and tape up > so it does not spill brake fluid. > 6. Below where the line was remove the 13mm bolt > 7. On the front of backing plate just below the hub remove the 2 lower bolts > (17mm) > 8. On the backside of the backing plate you will see a metal rod that goes > through the backing plate to the brake shoe holder. Use your big hammer and > punch and from the back knock it out away from the bus. It takes a few good > whacks to get it started. Don't knock it all the way out just past the > bearing box. > 9. Now the backing plate is loose remove it with ebrake cable attached and > wire it to rear trailing arm. (From under the bus you can pull the slack > out of the cable so you can get it to the trailing arm and out of the way of > the bearing box. > 10. Now clean the cv bolts on the transmission side with the tooth bush and > degreaser. Then remove the bolts and spacers don't loose them put them in a > bag. Rest the drive shaft on your extra jack stand so you don't hurt the cv > joint also cover the exposed cv joint with a plastic shopping bag to keep it > clean and so you don't get grease everywhere yetJ. > 11. You will see 4 7/8 inch bolts around the bearing box remove them (use > a socket) and put them in another baggie > 12. Here's where a friend would help but I did it alone, as you pull off > the bearing box the drive shaft will come with it and out of the trailing > arm be careful of the cv boot that you don't rip it on the trailing arm box > it's a little sharp. Don't worry if the stub axle separates from the bear > box cause you are going to do that soon anyway. > 13. Now clean out your trailing arm at least where the cv joint sits simple > green and a rag worked for me. I then spray the entire inside with Krown > oil just to be safe and protect against rust. > 14. Go to your workbench and lay the bearing box and driveshaft flat. If > you can vise the shaft and prop the box up on something it will be easier. > Then remove the CV Bolts and cover up the exposed cv joint with another > shopping bag. > 15. Now put your bearing box in the vise facing up. See that little hole > in the end of the stub axle? Put your punch in there and gently tap out the > stub axle you will have to move the bearing box so the stub axel can come > all the way out. > 16. Here's where you are going to get messy J put on some rubber gloves. > 17. Remove the inner and outer seal with your seal puller or flat head > screwdriver. > 18. With a paper towel try to clean out some of that grease so you can see > what your up against do it to both top and bottom. > 19. Now with the bearing box in the vise face down you will see a retaining > clip or Hog ring. Put on your safety glasses! Take that out with your > internal hog ring pliers. Careful mine shot across the room J don't loose it > either cause you will need that later. > 20. Now you can see the 2 bearings and the spacer. With the box still face > down push the spacer to one side so you can get to the edge of the bearing > on the other side. Carefully knock that bearing out with your punch. Don't > scratch or chip the bearing housing or spacer. The bearing will most likely > break but that's okay cause that's what the new one is for, just get it out > of there without hurting anything. > 21. Now you should have one bearing and the spacer out, flip the box around > and pop out the other bearing. Now throw away your old bearings and seals > you don't want to confuse your new parts with the old. > 22. See all that grease on the spacer and in the bearing box? Clean it with > paper towels and brake cleaner. Make it spotless!! > 23. Some listies say always replace spacer. I inspected mine after I > cleaned it and it looked good, if it looks like a burnt bearing race (purple > or blue tie died) replace it. Mine looked almost new so I kept it. > 24. Okay clean off your workbench so it's spotless any dirt that goes in > your new bearings will shorten their life span!! > > Reassembly time!! > > > 1. Now pack your new bearings with grease. > 2. Let's install the outer bearing first That's the one with the removable > inner race. With your bearing box in the vise face up rest the bearing in > place. With your 46mm socket (or anyone that only touches the outer part of > the bearing )LIGHTLY tap the bearing in it's new home and put the spacer in. > (you can use a flat piece of metal to get the bearing started if the socket > keeps slipping) > 3. Flip the box around and pack the center part of the bearing housing with > grease evenly and more than was in there when you cleaned but not too much > or you'll blow out the seals. Install the spacer and make sure that it is > lightly covered in grease inner and outer parts. > 4. Now install the inner bearing the same way you did the outer but make > sure it goes in past the groove for the hog ring, and put some more grease > on the outer edge of the bearing. (I forget if I used the 46mm socket or a > different one just make sure it only touches the outer edge of the bearing) > You can use a flat piece of steel to get it started. > 5. Put your safety goggles back on. Install the hog ring and put in some > more grease again not too much or you'll blow the seal. > 6. Now you cleaned your stub axle right? Lightly coat it in grease in > slowly install it. It's a PITA cause that removable inner race keeps trying > to pop out. Don't let it. You will need to use your hammer to GENTLY > install the stub axle (by taping the bearing box down) while pushing down on > the inner race with your punch (big end facing the race) with your hand not > hammer you don't want to mess up your new bearing right? If you never let > the race pop out it will be easy but it took me a few tries to figure it > out. Make sure the stub axle is all the way in there will be some space > between the stub axle and the bearing housing. DO NOT HAMMER ON THE INNER > RACE OR YOU WILL BREAK THE BEARING!!! > 7. Put in a little bit more grease on the outer bearing and install the > seal. > 8. Now is a great time to service your CV joints with new grease and boots > see the vanagon BTDT site or Ben from Canada's site for great step by step > with pics. > 9. Now clean your CV joint washers and reinforcement things and bolts if you > 're not using new ones. Lots of brake cleaner, paper towels and an old > toothbrush work great. Make sure your have enough washers for every bolt. > 10. Install the CV joint to the stub axle. It's a balancing act but if your > vise is tall enough is should hold it pretty good and be careful not to > contort your CV joints while you do it. First get them all tight then > Torque the bolts to 33ft pounds > 11. Now your exposed CV joint is covered with a baggie right? Get your > friend again and have them help you install the bearing box again. Don't > let your drive shaft hang in the breeze support it with your extra jack > stand. Make sure the part of the out side bearing housing with the 3 holes > is facing down. Use some locktite on the bolts to hold them in place and > torque to 101ft pounds per Bentley 42.2 > 12. Now take off your baggie on the CV joint and install the CV joint. > Again torque bolts to 33 ft pounds. > 13. Check the torque on the bearing housing bolts again cause once the > backing plate is back on it is not accessible. > 14. Install your backing plate top bolt that holds the wheel cylinder on is > tightened to 14ft pounds (I used a little locktite) then in stall the brake > line. Bottom 2 bolts are tightened to 47ft Pounds I used a little locktite > on those as well. > 15. Use your punch and hammer to install the rod on the bottom of the shoe > holder. It should be about flush with the brake shoe holder after you knock > it in. > 16. Install drum with hub. > 17. Lightly coat stub axle with anti seize and tighten slotted nut to firm > 18. Tighten the 2 drum bolts to 7.4ft pounds. > 19. Bleed rear brake. See archives if you don't know how. > 20. Put on rear tire and put a thin coat of anti seizes on the lugs tighten > them up then lower bus and properly tighten lugs. > 21. Now tighten you slotted axel nut to 360 ft pounds. 360 Divided by your > weight = how far away to stand on your cheater. Example I weight 190 so I > need to stand 18.2 inches from the center. Proper torque is essential. You > may want to pay a place that works on big rigs to double check you torque > should only cost $10 or 12 cold buds at the end of the day. > 22. Remove your wheel and install the Cotter pin in the Slotted nut. (NEVER > DRIVE YOUR BUS WITH OUT THIS PIN OR YOUR WHEEL CAN FLY OFF) > 23. Put wheel back on and tighten you're your lugs to proper spec. > 24. Now with your bus jacked up again check the rear wheel and make sure > there is almost no play if there is play you gotta go back and figure out > what's wrong. > 25. Time for a Beer your done > > > Hope you enjoyed, > Kevin > 87 Westy > Burlington VT > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( > Version: 6.0.659 / Virus Database: 423 - Release Date: 4/15/2004

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