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Date:   Tue, 2 Aug 2005 16:52:41 -0400
Reply-To:   Benny boy <huotb@VIDEOTRON.CA>
Sender:   Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:   Benny boy <huotb@VIDEOTRON.CA>
Subject:   Oil contamination... with coolant

What is you're suggestion about that problem... when the oil is so contaminated... that it's a pale brown color...

When the oil drain screw was remove, about 1 liter of clean coolant came out, after it became that messy sticky brown stuff, it'all over the internal componants....

#1 was FULL of coolant, strangly, the collant color is perfect with no trace of oil.... head are not remove yet... i will keep you posted... sadly, not pictures for now...

Cheers, Ben

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