Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:34:38 -0700
Reply-To: vanagonvw@GMAIL.COM
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: John Brush <vanagonvw@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Was: Diesel in Utah NVC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> in the beginning. When the red states embrace
> alternative fuels, instead of seeing them as a
> personal virtue--to quote the Vice President--then
> they may have a real future. This may be happening
> which is good news to me
We must not kid ourselves. If/When Biodiesel becomes a real alternative, it
will be taxed, regulated, and cost $3+ a gallon. If "they" find a way to
burn water to power car engines, <g> water prices will skyrocket beyond $3+
a gallon. When they sell us all battery powered cars, electricity costs will
go off the map. Go ahead and buy a natural gas vehicle, but the price will
soon equal $3+ a gallon. Anyone recall the big movement to diesel because
it was cheaper? Don't look like a good idea at the moment....
There will never again be an reasonable, inexpensive way to move around the
country. We have all been exposed as fools who will stand for just about
anything, so long as we can have cell phones, SUVs, and big screen
televisions (oh, and sprawlmarts every three miles)
Gas ain't expensive because everyone uses it, gas is expensive because those
who have the gold, set the prices. When Katrina hit, gas went the $3+ under
the lie that it was because of the refineries being damaged. Prices dropped
back under the lie that it was because the refineries were back on line. At
the moment, we are one or two holidays away from getting back to going back
to $3 a gallon, even tho demand is down, all refineries are up, and there is
no good reason for the increase, yet it is coming, and if you were
traumatized by $3+, get ready for $4+ before you come home after July
Shoot, if demand really sets the price, then explain why the first roll of
toilet paper cost 25 cents, and today, a roll of TP costs........ about 25
cents? :-)
A happy weekend to all.
I would rather hunt with Dick Cheney
Than ride with Ted Kennedy