Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 13:24:07 -0500
Reply-To: ------------- <VW4X4@VERIZON.NET>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: ------------- <VW4X4@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: NVC pay pal
In-Reply-To: <5dngfm$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Jeff Palmer wrote:
>I wonder if its better to tie your Paypal account to a credit card, for additional protection?
Yes.... I did this. Also, I had a dispute with PAYPAL.
They were is no way easy to
work with, and decided against me. My Discover card over turned the
issue and gave me
a entire refund.
> I think I have to pay a maximum of $50 for fradulent use of my credit card account.
>>From: Wil Haslup <whaslup@GMAIL.COM>
>>Date: 2006/11/17 Fri AM 10:07:21 CST
>>Subject: Re: NVC pay pal
>>Mike Miller wrote:
>>>I used to have pay pal then changed ISP's and didn't have it any more. I
>>>signed up again last night and they said well you can sign up but you can't
>>>use it until you agree to all these policy changes.
>>>There are a ton of them. I don't think I could read them all even if I
>>>wanted to, which I don't.
>>>Has anybody ever read those things? Are they regular stuff or am I signing
>>>away my first born somewhere in the fine print?
>>I haven't read them in their entirety but mostly Paypal is making sure
>>they can protect themselves and that you use your account for legal
>>Recent U.S. gambling legislation required them to be able to limit users
>>use of Paypal for gambling.
>>I think there is stuff in there that makes it tough for you to launder
>>money through other currencies.
>>Mostly, if you break the rules they lock your account. If the law isn't
>>involved you probably get your funds back.
>>I've heard some folks complain about PP but considering the millions who
>>use it some of the complaints I've seen on the web look like other
>>services trying to pull users or businesses to them.
>>If you're worried, open a dedicated checking account at your bank that
>>you only use with PP. Keep only enough $ in it for your purchases or
>>you're willing to take a chance on. That way, if there is some error
>>with PP or someone else gains access to your PP account you're exposure
>>is limited.