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Date:         Wed, 5 Sep 2007 13:51:44 -0700
Reply-To:     Michael Diehr <md03@XOCHI.COM>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Michael Diehr <md03@XOCHI.COM>
Subject:      Overheating (everything but the engine)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

Road tripped this last week in extremely hot weather -- we got stuck in a 45 minute traffic jam on the 215 freeway, uphill in 110F heat. Vehicles (many much newer than the vanagon) were dropping like flies. My 85, which has a new radiator, seemed to have no trouble keeping the engine temperature down while moving. So I got a little smug.

Issue 1: However, when we were in the stop & go traffic, eventually something started to overheat. The symptoms were a major loss of power, and dying at idle. Let the van cool down for about 45 minutes and it recovered completely.

My theory is that some electronics were overheating, rather than the engine mechanicals proper. I'm drawing this conclusion because the temperature gauge never got that high, and these symptoms only happened while in stop & go traffic. At other times, the engine water temperature hasbeen higher w/o any of these symptoms, as long as we were moving.

Issue 2: Also, the interior of the van was getting a ton of heat coming up through the floorboards, and through the passenger side seat pedestal. Looking at the underside of the van, it looks like it has naked (uninsulated) rubber coolant hoses plus the exhaust from the radiator both directly next to the (uninsulated) firewall. No wonder it gets hot in the cab!

Issue 3: I'm running a R134 conversion, which works well, until it gets really really hot. Then I can hear a relay in the dash tripping and (I think) shutting off the compressor clutch. Basically, when I need it the most, the AC shuts off. :(


1. What is the most likely engine control electronic to overheat? Is this a replaceable part, or is stop-n-go traffic + 110F heat simply outside the van's operating specs?

2. Is my van missing some insulation, and that's why I'm getting a ton of heat in the cab? Or did VW just design this poorly? Has anyone had luck with applying external insulation so the hot air from the radiator doesn't soak through?

3. Is the AC shutdown w/R134 due to overpressure (I've heard that R134 runs w/higher pressure). Can I change out any parts, or do I need to go back to R12 or try freeze12 or something?

thanks as always for sage advice!

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