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Date:   Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:03:59 -0800
Reply-To:   Alistair Bell <ragnarhairybreeks@ICLOUD.COM>
Sender:   Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:   Alistair Bell <ragnarhairybreeks@ICLOUD.COM>
Subject:   Re: Got my replacement diesel dipstick--happy
Comments:   To: Jim Felder <>
In-Reply-To:   <>
Content-Type:   text/plain; charset=utf-8

I’m always , strangely , interested in nice brushes. I don’t use them , but it’s a world of skill and history that really is amazing

Im in a good mood so I’ll leave any dipstick jokes on the table :-)


> On Dec 14, 2023, at 15:27, Jim Felder <> wrote: > > I was advised by the US list vendors that it would be a long wait for any > German-sourced dipsticks for my 1983 factory vanagon diesel, and that the > price before shipping would be about $35. Then, someone on this list posted > that I should try Brickwerks in the UK. I found the item I needed for under > four pounds! Shipping was just 12 USD. So I got the item plus shipping for

> about $20 USD. Not bad. It arrived in a week or maybe six days. > > The Royal Mail has a good thing going with the US post office. I most often > by my oil painting brushes from the UK. They cost the same as the low-end > brushes sold through US vendors, yet they are hand made and considered some > of the best in the world. I get tracking all the way to my home, and I get

> them in the same time or less than I would get an order from a US supplier. > > Check out Brickwerks for hard-to-find Vanagon items. I'd say this > dipstick I got from them is 95 percent of a VW OEM item. It seems to be > just a bit stiffer than the original and about 1/2 mm wider, so it is not > as easy to slide down the tube. As for accuracy, we will see how it > compares with the OEM when I do my next oil change in a few weeks. I can > always file new marks. The seal at the handle is better than the original.

> > Jim

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