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Date:         Mon, 5 Feb 1996 23:32:19 -0500
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
Subject:      wild goose chase

on the hunt for a good 63 or earlier body my partner and i hopped in the bug and went to visit a guy who said he had one. Drove ~30 miles to his house, then up into the hills when the bus was. It was a 63, but a rusted out piece of junk :(. Why did he call it rust free? i think he was thinking of what it looked like 10 years ago.

He also had a 63 23-window he called the Panama Express, as he and his wife drove down to panama in it. He'd had it since '69. However, it had been sitting many years with the sunroof open :( and there was no cargo floor or sub floors left. no floor. I stuck my foot under, and you could see it!! Snow was lying in it. Can you imagine letting it deteriorate like that? Like a science experiment in rust. He should have taken a picture every month and made a flip

So on to the next lead, winding on back roads through the countryside, past barn and trains and wooded hills. picturesque for a sunday drive

and almost there, whats that. Screech, a white splitty. So we stop and knock on the door but noones home. A 67 camper, with the motor in pieces in the back, but not moved in ages by the look of the weeds, reg expired years ago, no rust, very straight... so we left a note and went on.

the destination was at this guys place who has a bunch of vws in the woods. He wasn't there, but his wife was. So we went and took a look, but there was no small back door three window bus :( but he had just brought home a 65 westy with a locking steering column and safari windows!

yes, they are still out there, and ill find that bus im looking for.

any leads?


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