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Date:         Tue, 23 Jul 1996 20:06:05 -0700
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Mark McCulley <>
Subject:      RE: '87 Oil pressure NEED HELP!!

Check the oil filter. If it's not a VW filter, ie if it's a FRAM or something that's probably the problem. Get a good mechanic to do a buyer's check.

---------- >From:[] Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 1996 4:39 PM

========================================================================= Date: Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <> From: Subject: '87 Oil pressure NEED HELP!!


I am looking at an '87 Vanagon GL to buy. Everything seems great except the following:

Idles low (to me) about 700-800 RPM. After 5 minutes of hgwy driving the oil light came on when it was at idle (with the AC on). I have had several Jettas and 70% of them have had problems with oil pressure sending system. Ie problem with the pressure sender not the pressure. Is this a common problem with Vanagons or is there really a problem with the oil pressure in this one??

Please reply direct ASAP. Thanks!!!!!!


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