Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 16:46:04 -0500
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: "Richard Alexand Palmer" <>
Subject: MUGS TOMORROW!!!!!!
Howdy all! I just got back from a meeting with the printer for the coffee mugs,
so I thought I'd tease you with a preview, before I make the official
announcement tomorrow with all the details.
There will be THREE (3) different options available, by popular demand:
1. Classic list 4 Bus ceramic nice home/office mug (with V@L address, and web address, and of course NETVERGNUGEN)
2. Air Cooled Search & Rescue styley ironware (that speckled camping type
ceramic deal) home/office/camping/rescue mug
3. Classic list 4 Bus insulated plastic big travel mug (likewise with
V@L address, web address, and NETVERGNUGEN)
Since there was almost an even split between people wanting nice home/office
mugs, and travel mugs, and some folks wanted Search & Rescue mugs, I'm going to
try to make everyone happy. Here's the catch- I have to make several minimum
orders for each design. Basically, the amount of mugs under the minimum is the
amount I pay for myself. Hopefully, that won't be a lot, but it's 36 for one,
48 for another, and 144 (yes 144- for the classic 4 bus ceramic) The reason for
the large number is so I can get better quality graphics, and a slightly better
So anyway, go home, and count those pennies. I will post all the details
tomorrow. I will warn you in advance that shipping is going to run about $4.00
that's $3.00 for postage, and a buck for a box. Ric suggested sending your own
box, which you can if you want, but I think you'll spend more in postage
sending the box to me than it would cost to have me send one...
Anyway, Tomorrow, I'll also be posting more about the N.C. BuRPOBaT...
Tune in, and Happy Thursday!
____________________________ Poor Richard is
`/""""/""""/|""|'|""||""| '\
/____/____/ |__| |__||__| | '68 VW Crew Cab
| \ /V\ /====================| '67 VW Camper-Nellie, the Wild Goose
|()\ \W/ /()| _ _ |"I spend half my life explaining to Christians
| \ / | / \ / \ | _-( ) why I'm a Deadhead, and the other
=C========C==_| ) |--------| ) |=] _-{_}_) half explaining to Deadheads why
\_\_/__.. \_\_/_ \_\_/ \_\_/__.__. I'm a Christian."