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Date:         Mon, 1 Feb 1999 23:55:17 EST
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         Brad Spear <SSGSPEAR@AOL.COM>
Subject:      Snow Stuck Syncro
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Hi all! This is just a little, or not so little tale of how I spent my Saturday, 30 Jan, morning.

It started out a beautiful Minnesota morning. Not a cloud in the sky and temp in the lower 20s. There was a freezing fog the night before and all the trees were covered with a layer of frost that looks like that artificail flocking, or frocking, or whatever the heck you call that stuff that is supposed to look like snow. It looked like a Christmas card! I took some pictures of our back yard, some of the neighbors pine trees. One is about thirty feet the other is about 26 feet, the top four feet or so were taken off in the 30 May 98 storm that also took two our trees, part of the deck, a piece of the roof and the power in the neighborhood for four days. But, anyway, also took pictures of our birch tree.

I started to Byerly's to get the Saturday papers. I always get the Minneapolis Star-Tribune and Saint Paul Pioneer Press in the morning. One is left wing (Strib) and the other right (Press) so to get a balance I read both over an extra large vanilla capaccino (sp) from Caribou Coffee. However, I thought that before I went to Caribou and Byerly's I would stop by Crystal Lake and get some pictures. It's only two blocks away and not really out of the way.

So, I got to the beach and (this is the part you don't get to do in LA, Los Angeles or Lower Alabams) drove out on the lake for some closer pictures. The path on the lake is about as smooth as the parking lot for the beach. There were about a dozen or so vehicles out the already for people ice fishing. I just drove where they had.

I got the pictures and figured while I was out there I would drive across the island in the middle just to say I drove on it. I came at it from the east side and went up, locking diff on. No problem. At the top the snow was a little deeper and softer. Small problem, but nothing the Syncro couldn't handle. Went down the west side, hit a drop off the was hidden by the snow. Problem. Couldn't go forward. I wasn't clearing the snow and the only thing the tires were grabbing at was ice. Tried the winch with a tow strap tied to a tree trunk. Broke the tree trunk and misaligned the rear bumper. I didn't have a shovel so I started toward home. Luckily, like I said, it was only two blocks. That is two blocks from the shore. Shore is another four blocks going north through about knee deep snow going straight across and not the driving path.

On the way I remembered that the neighbor across the street, the one with the pine trees, just bought a Dakota 4X4 about three weeks earlier. I thought he might like a chance to see how well it could do in the snow. So, I asked him, he said no problem and took me back to pull the Syncro out. He asked if we should bring shovels, I said no, we could get it out with the truck.

We got to the island, he drove up the west side and to the top and thought he might have a better chance pulling from the west side. He backed off the island and drove around the north side got to the west side right in front of the Syncro stuck.

So there we were with a Volkswagen Vanagon Syncro and a Dodge Dakota 4X4 stuck in the snow beside the island in the middle of Crystal Lake. And no shovels. We both started back home, this time to get shovels. That is a long tip though the snow especially the second time.

Put the shovels and his single stage snowblower in the back of my wife's Aerostar, the Westy's engine is still in pieces. When it gets over 40 in the garage I'll put it back together. We took it back out on the lake to dig out both vehicles. Didn't go within ten feet of the island this time.

We got his dug out after an hour of digging. He didn't go back the way he came around. Snow was too deep for one thing plus the was water in his tracks for another. Looked like the ice wasn't as thick over there!

He went around to the east side and backed over to where I was, hooked up the tow rope, put it in 4-low and with me in reverse, just about got stuck again. We ended up doing a LOT of digging to get thesyncro back on shore and up the drop off. Going back up the west side, the Syncro didn't want to follow the same path that it took going dowm. Kept going in the trees. We used the tow rope and his truck to guide the rear of the Syncro around to where we wanted it.

We finally got it out. Have a big scratch in the passenger door to remember it by. Plus the small sapeling the got caught in the front bumper.

So, I got it back home safe and somewhat sound and just in time for lunch, about three and a half hours after I started out. Never did the to Caribou.

Hoped you all enjoyed this!

Brad Spear '72 Westy '87 Syncro GL

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