    I've been away from = the list for about 6 weeks. I took a flight to = Florida the last half of Nov...When I returned my PC was causing me all kinds of grief = nearly the whole month of Dec.  I'm finally back on the list...I haven't had = time to get to the archives. I lost everybody's e-mail address in my immediate = area (Central California) and my personal Vanagon Archives = ;0(
          &nbs= p;I'm back online and hope to hear from you all now ;0)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =       Debi Webi/Mtngal
I use ICQ, you'll love it once you get = it installed.  It was/is still
"freeware" that AOL "bought" and is = working toward melding their Instant
Messenger program to be identical to = ICQ, sooner or later I'm sure it will
become IM and we'll lose our beloved = freeware program, unless we let AOL
dominate our PC's (according to recent TV news)

GO TO: = download your 99b beta version ( it always says beta it's been beta for about 3 = years that I'm aware of).  It is the #1 Chat/messenger freeware around = the world.. Created in Televive
Message me and identify yourself and I = will guide your through the software
and it's options...My nic is: FRIEND # 11427418

----- Original Message = -----
From: <JordanVw@AOL.COM>
To: = <vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM&g= t;
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: anyone use ICQ??? (NAC/NVC)

> anyone know how to use ICQ? someone sent me = their ICQ # ... i guess for
> instant messaging..  anyone know how to = use ICQ to contact someone?
> sorry for the WOB...
> just thought = i'd ask..
> chris
> '84 wolfsburg Van
> '86 5kT