For travels to Baja, I have always used one of those = "plug" type kits, where you have a large needle that you = thread with a piece of rubber gooped with adhesive.  I have used = it successfully on "monster" tires (BFG 35" Mud = Terrains), and had the repair last for hundreds of miles of back = country travel.

Luckily, it is pretty cheap and easy to get a tire = repaired in Mexico - just look for hand painted plywood signs that say = "llantas" or "neumáticos" .  The roads are = so bad in Baja that tire repairs are part of everyday life.  = (Expect to cringe a little, though, while they attack your alloy rims = with a pair of screw drivers and a sledgehammer...)

Brent Christensen
'89 GL Syncro Westy
Santa Barbara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Davidson [mailto:wdavidson@THEGRID.NET]<= /FONT>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 8:19 PM
Subject: Syncro tire repairs?

I'm headed out to Baja. Trying to prepare for = emergency backcountry tire

I know all Syncro tires must match to prevent damage = to the VC... but what
are your opinions as to whether it would be okay to = use some of that tire
patch in a can?... I'm concerned that the stuff may = create a goop/lump
inside the tire and put it out of balance... harming = the VC?

Or for that matter what about a radial patch on only = one tire or putting a
tube in only one tire for an emergency = repair???
Ideas please....