Well, it's been a long = time since I lived in the country. Here in SF, we have both gay (Castro) and hippy = (Haight) communities, and the distinction between a hippy and gay rainbow is = pretty clear.


P.S.  I have the dancing bears on my = van... which are in the same colors as the gay rainbow.  Guess I'm a bit of = both.  (See W14 on this page: http://nynewmusic.co= m/deadshop/stickers.htm)

-----Original Message-----
From: Vanagon Mailing = List [mailto:vanagon@gerry.vanagon.com]On Behalf Of Josh Monson
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 10:12 AM
To: = vanagon@gerry.vanagon.com

My intentions are "all good" here.

First I would like to say that EVERYONE who has = brought up these
"sticker choosing" topics has made = very good points in that these
stickers represent = VANAGON.COM and nothing else.

I think it would only be respectful to ALL = list-members that we go with a sticker that
does only = represent our mail-listing and those of us here in this

Some of us like the "dead" and some of us like Death = Metal, that is not the point.
 Nor is our = sexuality or our political views ,
 the point here = is that there should be no connection to those personal views. =
Our stickers should not portray anything that we are not, Ron = if you want to be recognized
as a gay-member of = vanagon.com then maybe you can make that rainbow sticker yourself
or if those of you who feel the dead is an important = representation of yourselves
being involved with the listing, = then GO FOR IT! ! ! I think that is great, individuality
is the essence of life.

But i think we all need to agree that these stickers = represent "THIS" community
and not other communities = with their affiliations.

I want to be able to drive down the road and know = whether or not "YOU" are
a listee or not, and if your = not then maybe you'll see my sticker and go to
the = site and join the community. I think if we affiliate these stickers with
other "communities", then some people on the = list may not want to use them
and that would be an = outright shame.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron 'Coyote' Lussier [mailto:coyote@MACROMEDIA.COM]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 9:13 AM =
Subject: Re: List sticker lobbying, my .02

> Although I support a political party, my van = doesn't wear a bumper sticker
> advertising it.  = I like the Dead, but would not want to have dancing bears
> on the back of my van.  My understanding, and the = understanding
> of others I
> = deal with regularly, is that the spectrum style bumper and window = stickers
> have been adopted by the gay community. =
> At the risk of sounding = politically correct, I would like to
> suggest that = we
> be a bit cautious in selecting this = sticker.  I don't want to
> advertise this =
> group or myself as being aligned with anything but our = vans.  Vanagons are
> not male, female, gay, or = even musically inclined.  They are inanimate,
> wonderfully (for the most part) designed, vans.


As one of the few openly gay people on the vanagon = list, let me emphatically
say that Ron's sticker = number 4 is not a gay symbol.  The 'gay flag'
consists = of 6 discrete colors, on a very precise top-to-bottom order: Red, =
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple.  These colors are = never portrayed as a

For reference, see the following pages =
   http://www.swade.net/swadepages/gallery/ =

http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/scotts/bulgaria= ns/rainbow-flag.htm
