For air-cooled use Ken Irwin at the Carolina Bug = Shop Too.  (843)747-6001.  A great guy that repairs VW's because he = enjoys it...he treats your car as if it were is one, and refuses to do things half-assed.
In the future, Ken may expand to water cooled, but = he is a one-man gang, so for now he sticks with air-cooled.
Adam Puzerewski
81 westy
74 beetle
----- Original Message -----
From: Jonc
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 = 7:51 PM
Subject: [VANAGON] looking for = vw mechanics

I am working on compiling a data = base of recommended mechanics for VW with a specific expertise in = Westfalias... This will eventually be a national data base that will be posted as it = develops on the web site.... There will be no cost for accessing the = data... I am currently looking for a recommended mechanics in Savannah Ga. and = Charleston SC