Hi Bud,

If I remember correctly there's nothing to adjust on = the master cylinder.  If the clutch doesn't work as it should you = can

1. change the brake fluid and bleed the system
2. if 1. doesn't help you'll need to change the = cylinder. 

It's a pretty common problem.  It's the first = thing I had to fix on my Syncro.  It's an easy job, just a bit = messy with all the brake fluid running all over the place...


-----Original Message-----
From: Budding Rose [mailto:ROSEBUD99@webtv.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 10:59 AM
Subject: HELP ! Clutch pedal mechanism adjustment = access needed.

On page 30.2 of Bentley, there's an illustration of = the clutch pedal
operation. I have found it to be almost = inaccessible. The adjustment of
the plunger as it activates the clutch master is = what I need. Does
anyone have any experience and/or suggestions (other = than getting
smaller hands) ?  All input welcome - - = TIA
Bud Yandell