Hi all.
I love my 82 air-cooled home on = wheels to death, but I need to get a little more wattage out of the sucker to run my tv/vcr/christmas lights/strobe light/disco ball/stereo/toaster oven/etc. = :) My power inverter will handle just about anything but the charging system = isn't giving me the power I need. Someone suggested I add a second battery, = while another person suggested a secondary alternator/generator. Is this even possible? At the moment I don't feel like adding solar panels (hehe) = because the future of my GL's roof is probably a periscope/sunroof combo (don't = ask). If anyone knows how to get those amps cranking, the info would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone know of a good strong battery = that makes the best use of the battery space in that smallish well?