Blame it on my new looking tread yet old Bridgestone tires,  but my Wolfsburg
Edition is the pits in the snow!!  I knew it would be bad but not this bad.  
Thank Heavens for my light-in-the-rear Dodge work van.  I figure if i get
wrapped around a tree it may as well be in the company's  van, no???  Wish me

It's almost Fri. in Jersey-where we are due more snow!!!

Paul F. Bucco Jr.
ibuyvws @
Jersey Shore
87  Wolfsburg Edition Vanagon/Money Pit & bad in the snow
65 21 Window Deluxe Bus(looking for a company on the east coast that sells
rebuilt long blocks!!)
00  Dodge Ram 1500 Company Van(all expenses paid but BORING and crappy in the