Hello LiMBOites,
    Since the Nov-Dec newsletter won't be ready until the annual meeting (we hope, hint hint Hello Chris!!)  I've writing to let everyone know that the annual meeting will be held January 14th at Steve Paine's home in Barnstable, Mass.  Now I realize that many of you cannot make it but if you have any comments suggestions or events that you would like to pass on, please feel free to email me <LiMBO@bcn.net>, Steve Paine  <nuvi@capecod.net>  (also good for directions) or El' Presidente'  Dale Ward <eladdraw@earthlink.net>.  At the meeting we will be discussing event listings, event sponsorships, financial status, what direction the club will go in the future and election of club officers and board members.  This is your club, so please get involved, let us know what you think.  So come out to the Cape or write in with your suggestions.  Hopefully the newsletter will be completed and ready for mailing, with that in mind we will  be having the folding party on Saturday the 13th at Steve's as well.  We hope to here from you or see you there.  Take care.
-Jim DiGennaro
'84 Green Westfalia 'The Turtle Van',  '90 Jetta (Brides car)
'92 Scamp Trailer 'The Turtle's Egg'
ICQ# 5534528
LiMBO LINE: (413) 743-1814
URL: http://www.bcn.net/~limbo/