Hi Volks,
    Just wanted to pass on the info that the LiMBO annual meeting is this Sunday (Jan14th) at membership coordinator Steve Paine's home in Barnstable, MA.  Its a chance to get together and plan events, elect officers and discuss the future of LiMBO.  If you would like to get involved or have suggestions, you can mail me or Dale Ward @ <eladdraw@earthlink.net>. For directions to Steve's house, email him @ <nuvi@capecod.net>  Hope to see you there.
-Jim DiGennaro
'84 Green Westfalia 'The Turtle Van',  '90 Jetta (Brides car)
'92 Scamp Trailer 'The Turtle's Egg'
ICQ# 5534528
LiMBO LINE: (413) 743-1814
URL: http://www.bcn.net/~limbo