Here is the scenerio, I have been talking to some folks that could supply me
with 15" Steel rims for the Vanagon.  These would be made for the van
specifically and they would be used but in good condition.  I am guestimating
the cost of these to be $100 per rim.  Is anyone interested in this at this
price?  I am probably going to bring over 10 sets initially so that I can see
what the response is.  This is still in the development stage so please don't
email me with questions about load rating, and what steel alloy these are
made of because I really don't know at this point.  They will be 15" steel
rims made for the Vanagon from South Africa.  The roads are much more harsh
there than they are here so I would imagine that these rims could take some
punishment.  If you are interested, and have the money to buy these, please
email me and I will put you on a waiting list.  

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242