I ordered directly from rubber queen, = the ones I recieved did not have the vanagon logo on them.
They are a nice heavy rubber that seems = that it would catch snow and water fairly well. They look nice.
They just do not fit well. The drivers = side has no notch for the gas pedal so I just have it laid at an angle. If I cut it = for a notch the water holding ability would be compromised.The mats do not fit = exactly at all, some of the edges are really bent upwards by the floor = configuration. They must fit another vehicle and they are close enough to sell for the = vanagon also.
The rears are a joke. The are a 1 1/2' = X 1 1/2 foot square mat with a unmolded flat rubber tail on each one. Weird.
They were something like $35 for the = set, I kept mine. They are good enough for my GL hauler.
Mark Ingalls