
pins 3-4   aprox. .5 to 1.0 K
pins 2-3   resistance change as you move the air flap.
pins 1-4   (at 68 degrees)  2.3 to 2.7K

If you hold the AFM with the connector facing away from you, the pins are numbered from left to right.

Bentley page 24.57

Double-Cab Guy wrote:

Hi Volks, I have my AFM out of the vehicle. and in front of me with my multimeter.Can any one tell me which pins I need to connect to, for checking the meter?They are not numbered, so if you could tell me from the prospective of looking straight at the connection on the AFM.Is it resistance or volts that I need to watch as I move the flap?Is it just a smooth increase in the numbers or is there a set range of numbers?I don't have my Bentley or the vehicle with me at this time, only the AFM it self minus the air box. ThanksGlen