Jim Snyder wrote:
Hi I finally saved up enough to get a new starter for my '82 diesel Vanagon to get her back on the road. I stopped by the local AutoZone in Woodstock, VA yesterday to find that they are all out and cannot get one from the manufacturer. Their price was $120. Has anyone got a suggestion where I can get another for a reasonable price? I would like to keep my old one also if possible. Also, how difficult is it to change it? It looks more difficult and hard to reach than the ones I have changed before on my diesel pickup and Rabbits. Is there anything I should look out for? Plans are also to go to a number 2 cable for the positive battery cable which I have already done with the negative and switch to a group 24 Ford battery for more cranking amps. Many thanks in advance. Jim

I'm in a struggle with my diesel vanagon, and the main problem with the removal is, that a support for the clutch slave cylinder is held by its top bolt.
After removing both bolts and both wires,I removed the brace from the tranny to the front of the cylinder, and it loosened up enough to pivot/bend on its third support at the clutch arm pivot for the starter to swivel enough clockwise on its axis to come from under the slave cylinder.
Could you reply with an estimate of how far the gear sticks above the level of the nose?  My starter isn't engaging with my flywheel, and I think it must be either the wrong starter gear or the wrong flywheel.  Mine sticks out less than 6mm (1/4"); I don't think that's enough.