I am going to put a Jetta or Golf = Alternator in my '81 Westy but I have some questions before I go out and find one.  = Does anyone know what year the golfs or jettas switched to 90 amp alternators = instead of 65 amp alternators?  I think it was around '83 but that's just a = guess from looking it up at Schucks.  Also, through the years did the = alternators stay the same in size and shape for those cars?  To give = you an idea of what I'm doing, I trying to do this - http://volksweb.relitech.= com/90alt.htm
My van is an '81 Westy though and it = doesn't appear that the jettas had 90 amp alternators in that year.  Golfs = seemingly didn't even appear until '85.  If anybody has done this or knows a = great deal about these cars, I'm just wondering how selective I need to be in = deciding what year Jetta or Golf I can take the alternator from and still = successfully install it in my '81 Westy.
Thanks for any help you can give, I = know this probably seems like the stupidist, easiest task ever and I'm asking all = these questions.
'81 Westy