
The only Amtrak train that offers the ability for one to ship one's car while
riding in Amtrak comfort (oxymoron) is the Auto Train.  It runs from suburban
Washington, DC to the Orlando Florida area.  Not quite the destination of
your choice.  I do not know of anyone shipping a private auto by rail (the
big 3 auto manufacturers ship new cars by rail daily).  I do not believe that
the private railroads want the business that you are seeking.  The major rail
carriers would be glad to ship multiple car loads of a commodity for you
though.  Sorry, but this is the nature of private enterprise in the 21st
century.  But don't let me discourage you.  Keep looking, good luck and enjoy
your trip.

Dennis Lockwood
91 Carat
Original Owner


Greenville (SC) Chapter
National Railway Historical Society