Hello all,
The vegetable-oil powered Vanagon (or = should I say Burger King fryalator grease-burning Vanagon) known "Grease = Car" is back in the news this week, this time featured in the weekly rag = "The Boston Phoenix." I see an old listserv thread on this topic = at:
    http://gerry.vanagon.com/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2== ind0001D&L=vanagon&D=0&P=21768
Here's the Phoenix = article:
    http://www.worcesterphoenix.com/archive/features/01/03/22/GREAS= E_CAR.html
And the Grease Car site:
Enjoy, but please don't think I'm = recommending this conversion for you, personally.
On the related topic of Vanagon environmentalism, my own beloved Vanagon broke down yesterday when = a funny metal cap on the end of a thingamadoo (you know the one) blew out during = rush hour. As I tried to turn over the motor in hopes that it would = catch, torrential rain beating a chaotic drumroll on my pop-top, I was unwittingly pumping quarts of gasoline into the storm runoff. Arrgg. I ditched it at a metered spot, jumped on the = subway, and got it towed after work. Somehow, no parking ticket...unless it's = floating down the Charles right now.
Back to the Bentley,
George, in = Boston