We will be closed Thursday and Friday of this week in order to take our
daughter Rachel to the hospital for an operation.  If you ordered something
before Wednesday afternoon then we are sending it and there should be no
delay on you getting the part.  However we won't be able to fill any orders
that are placed today or tomorrow (via website) until Monday.  

I just want to say thanks again to the list of all the support and notes of
kindness we have recieved.  It really helps when you are going through a
situation like this.  Please remember us this weekend.  The operation is
Friday (today we have to check in to the hospital and have some pre-operation
tests done).
I will let you folks know how everything went as soon as we get back.

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Office: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242