I have sucessfully done two Tiico conversions (one manual and one automatic).
 In doing these two I have collected all the needed special tools that are
necessary to sucessfully fine tune this engine and setup the engine computer.
 I am not saying that you can't just get a Tiico kit and put it in and drive
the van around without any problems, you can.  The engine computer is very
adaptive and will adapt itself to improper timing, and CO settings.  However
you are not going to be getting full power and economy out of the engine
unless it is timed and adjusted properly, and for that you need special
equipment.  Normally you would need either a VW 1551 tool (local dealer
should have one or a newer model that does the same thing), and a CO test
machine to properly fine tune the engine.  Or you could get a handheld scan
tool (around $3500).  However I have assembled a kit that will allow a normal
person to set the timing and CO yourself.  You can run the van going down the
road and see all the read outs from the engine (kind of like a big digitool
except you get alot more information) and get your new engine in tip top
performance shape.  I am going to be renting this kit for $75.  You get to
keep it for 10 days and then return it to me so it can be used by the next
person.  This is not really a money making thing at this point.  It is
primarily a service to those who have chosen to do the Tiico kit, to help
these folks get their vans tuned up properly without having to go to the
dealer or an expensive foreign auto place for the final tune up.  Please
email me privately if you are interested in renting this kit and I will give
you a list of what is included.

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242