Don't crack, I have already bought a unit for my business!  Now I can sail
around the world perpetually in motion.  Whenever we come to a port I'll
disembark and work on Vanagons and then get back aboard and sail on for new
adventures.  Maybe I'll become so internationally famous that the ultra-rich
will pay to have their Vanagons air-lifted onto the ship so I won't even have
to come ashore if I don't want to (didn't you know that all the ultra-rich
have Vanagons?  It is one of their best kept secrets).
No taxes, no laws, just pure freedom!!!!  
<< Start time warp ahead 5 years into the future>>

Ken Wilford, CEO of Van-Again Enterprises was found dead under a Vanagon
today.  Sources tell us that he removed all the tires and then crawled under
the van and kicked out all the floor jacks commiting Van-icide.  It seems
that he had been preparing for several years to move his business onto the
infamous Freedom Ship, that notorious internet hoax that took in so many
millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors.  When the project was
exposed last week on 20/20 the news must have been too much for the
entrepreneur (sp) and he decided to expire in the only dignified way he knew-
death by van.  He is mourned by his family and the large internet community
the Vanagon List (in between tire discussions).
<< End Time Warp>>

Happy Thursday?  :)

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242