Hi Listees,

During the past few weeks the Vanagon list has been the recipient of tons of Spam. This morning I received an email which contained hard core pornographic images. I'm getting sick and tired of receiving this sort of crap from the list. Many of you have responded by saying: "if you don't like the spam, don't read it, delete it". In reality I do not find deleting an option for two reasons:
1. I find some of the subject lines offensive. Look I'm not a prude, and I can spout off "off-color" humor and remarks with the best of them. However I don't want this crap on a list I'm subscribed to. To me,spam is the equivalent of someone coming into my yard and urinating or defecating on my front lawn. I can turn a blind eye on it, but the fact is that someone has trespassed into my space.

2. This is the main point. Many of us are subscribed to this list through servers at our places of employment, schools we attend, etc. The fact of the matter is that there is no privacy in employer or educational institution email. An employer, university, etc., has access to the email regardless of when you down load it, whether you read it or not, or whether you delete it or not. In fact, depending on the archival system, a copy of that email may end up on archive which is accessable.

Quite frankly I don't appreciate smut showing up on my employer's email system...PERIOD! Nor do I want to change may email address to an ISP ( I've had for more than 15 years) just because this list (which of the 6 or 7 I'm on is the only one which does not filter outside spam) doesn't filter spam.

 Thank you for reading this and considering these issues.
