While we are working on the art of financial and = mechanical self defence by fixing our Vanagons, our employees or so = called servants and ex-employees are making an art out of free = lunch.

Subject: Retirement Plan = - Republicans and Democrats
Our Senators/Congressmen do not pay into Social
Security, and,
therefore they do not collect from it. Social
Security benefits
were not suitable for them. They felt they should
have a special
plan. Many years ago they voted in their benefit
plan. In more
recent years, no congress person has felt the
need to change it.

After all, it is a great plan.
For all practical purposes, = their plan works like
this: When they
retire no matter how long they = have been in
office, they continue
to draw their same pay until they die, = except it
may be increased
from time to time by the cost-of-living

For example, former Senator Bill = Bradley (New
Jersey) and his wife
may be expected to draw $7,900,000.00 = over an
average life span,
with Mrs.Bradley drawing $275,000.00 during the
last year of her life.

Their cost for this excellent plan = is "0," nada,
zilch. This little
perk they voted in for themselves is free = to
them. You and I pick up
the tab for this plan.
Our tax = dollars at work! Social Security, which
you and I pay into every payday for our own
retirement, with an equal
amount matched by our employer, we = can expect to
get an average of
$1,000 per month or less.

Or, = we would have to collect our benefits for 68
years and 1 month
to equal the = Bradley's benefits. Imagine for a
moment that you could
structure = a retirement plan so desirable, a
retirement plan that worked
so = well, that Railroad Employees, Postal Workers,
and others who were
not in the = plan would clamor to be included. This
is how good Social
Security = could be, if only one small change was

That change would be to jerk = the Golden Fleece
Retirement Plan out from
under the = Senators/Congressmen. Put them into the
Social Security plan
with the rest of us. Watch how = fast they fix
it!!! If enough people
receive this maybe a seed will be = planted and
maybe good changes will

Don't forget, our girl, = Hillary Rodham Clinton,
thanks to the infinite
wisdom of New York State = voters, now comes under
this Congressional
Retirement Plan. Don't forget = also that each so
called retired president
also collects over $200,000 per = year. Don't
forget, they lost their job
and are still getting paid for = it. Do you?

Talking about the Clinton's, it's common
knowledge that, = in order
for her to establish NYS residency, they
purchased a million = + house
in upscale Chappaqua, NY. Makes sense. Now, they
are = entitled to Secret
Service protection for life. Still makes sense.
Here is = where it becomes
interesting. A residency had to be built in order
to house = the Secret
Service agents. The Clinton's now charge the
Secret Service = rent for the
use of said residence and that rent is just about
equal to = their
payment, meaning that we, the tax payers, = are
paying the Clinton's
and it's all perfectly legal.

You gotta = luv it