Some of these bozos should be
locked up for their own safety.

I note a resurgence in the use of the term "bozo." 
A good word, so little used.  It always harkens me back to the days when Doktor Tim would expound for hours from his bunker compound on San Juan Island.  Oh, the stories he used to tell.  And his philosophical theories. Everything in the world that was incompetently done or goofy was caused by bozos.
Does he still lurk among us, dissecting tech tips and proposed solutions to pass by, silently nodding yea or nay to himself in front of his screen? 
Getting back to bozos, he was so right -- the world is full of them!  But it is so hard to identify them, that is, when they're just walking around shopping in the grocery store, or not doing anything bozoish. 
All we all bozos in some way?    Hmmm . . . .
 . . .  . Cut, cut, cut, cut the thread!!!
happy Freitag

a bozo to *somebody*

(Some english scholar help me: should there be an apostrophe in bozo's for the plural version, should it be bozos?)