Here's my info. Hope you can see a life and a friend = through this data.

Name:   =         Pablo Bonilla
DOB:    =         =         9/2/63, 38 yrs old.
POB:    =         =         San José, Costa Rica = (Central America)
Marital Status: =         Married, 11 years.
Children:       =         4 children of 19, 14, 8 and = 6 yrs.
Education:      =         Mathematics, Theology, = Computer Science.
Occupation:     =         Computer Scientist, = ArtinSoft (, a Costarican softw. company.
Previous = occup.:        teacher, = programmer
Hobbies:        =         Reading, good music of every = genre, playing the guitar.
Pets:   =         =         2 yr. old boxer, = "Brun".
Previous cars:  Vanagon 80. I learned to drive = in it. Sold it to a coworker.
Current Car:    Vanagon 84. A = pleasure to drive.

Reading the daily posts by the list members for = almost three years now. Reading about who you are has been a pleasant = discovery.


---------------------------------------------------------------= --------------
Pablo E. Bonilla Fernández
Freedom/ArtinSoft R&D - San José, Costa = Rica
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