It does not matter what engine is hooked to a tranny, the rpm will be the
same at any speed for any engine.  What changes the rpm is the number of
gears, gear ratios and tires/rim combo.

I have five speed SA .457 ring and pinion and I can get to @60 mph in third,
@80 mph in fourth and 100+ in fifth with my lowly customized 2.1L WBX.  (I
have had my 70 bug close to 100 mph  with a customized1641 engine, 100+ in my
73 Bus with a customized T4 2L [I even crusied at constant 85 mph on a 1200
mile one way trip with no problems...])

It is all in the engine, gearing and tires...COMBO...

2.1L customized WBX- 40,000+ miles with on engine problems...

Who knows, I might even add a bolt on Digital fuel injection with a turbo and
go to 200+ HP just because...