I have two different styles available.  You can see them on my website at
http://www.vanagain.com/Accessories.htm.  The first picture you see as you
scroll down in the Sunburst alloy rim.  These are currently selling for $180
each.  They are factory seconds and the scratches and nicks are pretty
noticable when looking straight at the rims, but not so noticeable when they
are mounted and you stand back to look at the van.
The second picture as you scroll down is my New Wheel SA alloy.  These are
selling for $210 each.  They are factory seconds but the blemishes are so
small that you really can't see them.  They are beautiful!  I have both of
these styles of rims in stock and ready to ship via UPS.

PS if you bought 6 of the Sunburst style I would sell them for $170 each.

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242