You open a can of worms = that the courts have recently refused to touch.  There is no generally = accepted definition of pornography.  Everyone thinks they know what it is, = but nobody can define it or agree on a definition.
To many religious groups, = a woman in a bikini is pornography, and some only require the face or ankles to be uncovered.  I guess this means no more links to photos of = campouts, unless your intention is to enforce the views of some moralistic groups = and discriminate against those of other groups.  I hope not, because = that would be bigotry.  No particular religion's beliefs should be favored = here.  If you want to ban things offensive to the born-again Christian crowd, = you should certainly ban things offensive to Moslems, Hindus, Wiccans, or = any other religion.
Censorship always starts = because some well-meaning person thinks they know what is best for the group.  = It happens because some person or group feels morally justified in imposing = their view of how things should be on everyone.  The people who do this = think they are right, but they are not.  I know you mean well, but your = attitude is more dangerous to our freedoms than any outside enemy.
Bill Nolan
Willcox, = Arizona