My father is a wills/estates lawyer. 35+ years experience. One of the nicest,
most competent and intelligent men you'll meet. Also a helluva dad, too.
 In my only scrape with the law, I was represented by a guy named Jules
Epstein. Let me tell you, i was  d*mn glad he was there, because the
prosecutor didn't give a rat's - - -  whether any of the accused was innocent
or guilty. All she wanted was to maintain her perfect conviction record and
went to ridiculous lengths to portray me as some sort of sociopathic maniac.
(all this because a police 4x4 sideswiped my '86 Civic at 15mph, and i had
the nerve to accuse them of being at fault). I now have a well-developed
skepticism of our "justice" system, needless to say.
   So - you may develop an appreciation of those in the legal field when
your skivvies are in a twist. I know i did.  - Ed