I live in Los Angeles, one of the most polluted citys in the world. Never even questioned the need for smog testing as it goes without saying. If it wasn't required we would surely suffocate in all the clouds of smoke from cars and trucks  with dismantled smog equipment here. It is bad enough already.
85 Subwagen Westy

Bill N wrote:

He isn't saying that polution is good, or that we shouldn't do anything about it.  He isn't saying that polution isn't worse in other places than Minn.  What he is saying is that a five year study showed that vehicle testing did not help.  I haven't looked at the study, so I can't comment on the science, but if it was done properly, more states should look into it. Just because it seems obvious that something is so doesn't make it so.  Emissions testing seems like an obvious step to curb polution, but does it really help?  According to Minn., maybe not.  Which uses more energy -- washing dishes in a sink or in a dishwasher?  If you think the dishwasher uses more energy then you have chosen the obvious -- and wrong -- answer.  Money and time spent on "feel good" solutions that don't work is not only a waste, it diverts us from finding solutions that do work. Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed DeBolt
 mayby you have never visited los angeles, houston, mexico city, bangkok, jakarta, rome, athens, bejing etc etc etc. -----Original Message-----
From: pederparizek <pederparizek@QWEST.NET>
Now I know that I am new to the list and everything, so I don't want to upset any tree huggers out there, but emission tests are a fraud. We had them instituted in Minnesota about 7 years ago. The state did a study over the next five years that showed that the emissions in the state did nothing. That's right, they did nothing, neither went up or down. So the state, in one of it's more intelligent moves, stopped testing vehicles. That's right, I don't have to pay the $15 fee once a year, have idiots mess with my car, or sit in a line for an hour. All of you out there should petition your state government to get rid of these hassles, I mean tests. Tell them to look at what they did in Minnesota.