        This happened on our 85 = last month. It turned out to be a poor connection at the fuse. Clean up the ends= on the fuse then rotate it a few times in the fuse holder.

Good Luck and Drive Safely
Ken Lewis
86 Crewcab,60 356
On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:43:14 EDT - Lauren Pelzer <VeeDubVan@AOL.COM> writes:
Hi, all -
The turnsignals on my '85 have stopped= blinking.  I can't find the blinker -
either in the van, on the = Bus Depot website, or at my FLAPS.  Can anyone tell
me what part it = is that I need?  I keep getting an error message when trying
to = search the archives.

Thanks in advance for your help!