OK, that does it, I finally have something to say about waving.


I drove a 64 bus daily, weekly, and monthly for 5 years between 1990-1995. I
waved a lot-for tow trucks, roadside assistance, gas, and clutch cables.
Where ever I drove, I rarely saw anyone in an old bus to wave back at me.

This is because I rarely saw an old bus.

I couldn't wave anyhow, the steering was so worn you had to keep both hands
on the wheel at all times or go off the road!

It was my only vehicle, as I have only own one vehicle at a time.

Most of you are able to spread out the wear on several vehicles, not racking
up all the miles on one car, and wracking your nerves.

Now we have the A.I.R.S list.

Had an A.I.R.S. list been around back when I drove the old bus, I would have
been the founder!

People you pass by still flash the "peace" sign, the "victory" sign, or is
that the "Verizon"sign?

I can guarantee that two drivers passing each other in 1952 Nash sedans will
wave at each other.
Which brings us to Vanagons-why we don't wave. It has nothing to do with not
being friendly. It has to do with rareness.

Vanagons aren't rare yet-certain varieties are less than others, but they are
common enough to be bought by everyday people, not just the lastest
generation of hippie look-alikes..

Everyday people includes those who never owned an older model VW, never go to
enthusiast meets, to them, it is just a car.

They may even be loyal to it because of it's reasonable reliability, yet not
loyal enough to plaster it with "Nuke the Whales" and "Visualize whirled
peas" stickers.
In Washington State I have seen Vanagons used by businesses and libraries.

A Vanagon has up to 200 square feet of interior space. How many Bentley Shop
manuals can it hold?
If you visit the West for the first time you will understand why we rarely
report "Vanagon sightings."

Seeing a Vanagon in some parts of the country might be a big event, like
seeing a rain cloud in Arizona-they have rain, but not often.

So out west we are flooded with Vanagons comparatively. Perhaps in another
ten years we will wave. Or buy the new(old) Microbus. Will they wave driving
the new Microbus? Something to ponder.


1982 Westfalia