I need help bad!!!  I bought my third Vanagon ('87, non-GL, non-Sychro, non-Westy) about three months ago.  The seller told me that the oil was in good shape.  So, I took his word for it.  Well, that was a while ago, and now it's time for me to change the oil again.  But, the drain plug was apparantly previously stripped, so he inserted a larger drain plug and welded the frickin' thing in place (apparantly it was leaking and he needed to get rid of it).  I need helP!!!  What can I do?  What is the lowest point of oil flow so I can perhaps drain the oil out of another hole?  Please help!!  The viscosity of the oil is dangerously low, and I don't want to lose my van!  Thanks guys!
                                             FeeDub (Brian)