I have been talking to a supplier of mine who imports alot of other Mangels rims for Jettas, Audis, etc. to see if they would be willing to import some for the Vanagon/Bus.  They said that they spoke to the Mangels rep and the minimum order for these rims would be 200 rims which my supplier couldn't handle.  They didn't feel that they could move that many rims for the Vanagon and I would agree.  This is a large investment in not only money, also shipping costs, and warehouse space.  I have had 40 rims here at one time before and with all of our other parts it was tight.  Even with stacking 200 rims would fill a good sized room.  Just FYI.  If we could get three or four parts vendors together and split up the order that might be an idea, or if I could get 50 people to place an order for these rims with shipping and credit card info, I am sure that might convince the distributor that they would be worth bringing in.  Just sharing my thoughts.  Usually at this stage alot of people chime in that they would be interested in buying something, and then when you actually get the item they either don't have any money, or they have changed their mind, etc.  That is why I would want credit card info and shipping info before we went any further.  Just thinking out loud.  Not committing to any list purchase or anything.

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242