Not so long ago, I remember a thread where several folks were complaining about politicians, etc.  Well, here is your chance to do something about it!  Go out and Vote for the person who you feel best expresses your beliefs and ideals.  Many people sit around and complain but never vote.  "My vote doesn't matter," they say in their own defense, or "It's either vote for one crook or the other so why bother?"  Right now we are not voting for a presidential election.  It is mostly for Governors and local representatives (at least here in NJ).  If you don't like the people at the national level, then please remember that they started at the local level.  So if you want to stop a certain type of politician from becoming a Senator or even President, now is your chance.  If you have an idea of what a good politician should be (although "good politician" can seem like an oxymoron in our day and age) then vote for that person.  If you don't vote then you really don't have any room to complain about the results.  Either you are part of the problem or the solution.  It is your choice.  

I already drove my Vanagon (content) to the polls this morning and placed my vote, I encourage you to do the same.

Ken Wilford
John 3:16
Phone: (856)-765-1583
Fax: (856)-327-2242