I thought I sent my response to the whole group. I = hit "reply all" and assumed it went to the whole group. Thank you for doing = it for me. Your note and the way you responded to me and attempted to humiliate = me PROVES my point about attitude adjustment. I thought we lived in a = country with free speech where we could all express ourselves even when what we say = may be unpopular or not attuned to the IN GROUP or as one person said this = "Vanagon tight group."
You are stuck in a rut of needing to be in control, have the last = word and obviously have used criticism and condemnation as your method of communication.
But let me say this. Let's just say you are right and I am = wrong.
Blessings to you all. Long live free speech and if anyone can not = handle it chill out and get a grip on your sense of humor and your attunement to = the American way. Freedom sweet freedom.
I don't need insults or overreactions like a person who assumed I = wanted to sell a used seat for $850 (get a grip!)
William (my former message to psavage whomever you are is = below)
Dear Phandera,
Some of the women on this list need an attitude adjustment also. Chill out
and let everyone be. Much of what I read = is tongue in cheek anyway. In my
experience most women are spoiled, vain, self indulgent, demanding, and use
rejection and criticism as their = weapons of choice. Then THEY get their just
rewards as lonely old bitter women = as time marches on.

Then there are always exceptions. Rare but there are = a few good men and
women out here.

Less criticism and more = acceptance of the way it all is I say.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Bosch
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 = 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: I Rest My Case (Re = Vanagon List Wives)

Phaedra wrote = thus:
<<<snip>>>William Developtrust,
I suggest it's your sense of = humor that's in need of
development.  Tho I may be too subtle for likes of you,
I assure you my tongue is quite at home in my cheek!
The = women of this list, tho not numerous, are valuable
contributors & fun = loving members of this online community.

Since you've taken the time to identify yourself to me
personally in your = (below) p-mail, I thought I'd share your
smug & virulent communique = with the rest of the list.
I rest my case

Here, here!!  A woman that knows her men...!!  :o)

Mr. Developtrust, you = are unknown to me.  I can not recall your writings to the list prior to this = week.  Methinks you mean well, but you need to lay off the opinions = until you get a feel for the folks on this list.  We are a tight-knit = community, and while new members are welcome - indeed, embraced - you need to = know the folks in order to insult them.  Post your questions and lurk for = a while.  It's a great education.

And to comment on a post you put up earlier...  Why would you need = head gaskets on a engine that had only 35k miles?  Seems a bit too = soon for that.  Are you sure the dealer didn't need the $$$ for his boat = payment?  Just wondering...

Alan Bosch
& Phred ('88 Wolfsburg)