Yahoooo!  I did it!  I took = unplugged everything, and took out the old M/C and bolted in the new.  The = most difficult part was getting the brake line on the right side threaded = back in.  With that cross member there, it was very difficult to hold = the pipe and thread in the bolt.  My brother helped me bleed the brakes, and now I can stop reliably!  I washed out the brake fluid = container with rubbing alcohol, and swished it with new brake fluid to release all = the gunk that had settled to the bottom of the tank.  Everything either = plugged in or was bolted on.  It was much easier than I thought it would = be.  I must say that I feel very empowered!  (Last week I changed out my = friends Toyota starter)   I saved myself $167.00 by doing it myself!  I even changed out the burnt out light bulb behind the clock.  It has been out for most of the time that I have owned the Rastafalia.  If I had known how easy it was, I would have done it = long ago. 
I must say a great big thanks to all = those who helped me figure out what was wrong.  And thank you most = of all to Joel B. Cort, who posted the instructions I found in the Vanagon Archive.  They were invaluable!  
Ready to roll again (and = stop)
90 VW Vanagon = Westfalia
76  VW Automatic Bay Westfalia
74 VW Beetle