While underneath our '88 GL = yesterday cleaning and re-lubing the shift linkage (seems I have to do it annually ), I = took a look at motor mounts which I have suspected to be in trouble for some time.   We have had alot of "driveline lash" which = is best described as rubber banding of the van on sudden accel or decel.  = Also have had intemittent clutch shudder.  I expected to see the forward = (tranny) mount tearing itself apart.  Nope.  That one is fine. Must be = the others at the rear of the engine.  Look, wiggle, shake, yup, the = rears have small separations in them.  Can these be replaced?  Uh, looks = like these mounts are a unit with the entire cast aluminum engine = plate.  Ka- Ching $$$$.  Must be another way.
Decided that beyond the separation = of rubber from metal the rubber itself didn't look so bad.  Here's the Mickey = Mouse part.  I found 4 places where engine motion was being permited by = these separations.  Into these gaps I drove 4 handmade polyurethane = wedges.  The polyurethane originated with pink skateboard wheels and was = previously used to make racecar suspension bushings.  Cuts easily with a hot knife.
Without getting into riduculous = detail, the gaps should be obvious to you if you shake the engine.  The way to "lock" the wedges in should be obvious too. Sounds stupid I = know, but...  Boy the van feels much different.  The rubber banding = is gone.  No clutch shudder -yet.  It just feels much tighter.
If Mickey Mouse fails me in the future, I'll let you = know.
Redding, CT