jim catterson wrote:

 i am no more offended by the mention of

the bible than anyone else should be by my passion for history.  sure,
 i think that all americans should visit the various civil war sites,
but don't get outraged by my mention of it.  lighten up
 Onward to Gettysburg! Remember Antietam, and the siege of Atlanta. Vicksburg and the final battle! (Seen Vicksburg Miss battle site: unbelievable, truly).

I'll throw all a quick sermonette on this note:
God (The living God of the Bible) preserved the United States in the US Civil War for the United States, One nation under God (The living God of the Bible), had usefulness for the once predominantly Christian nation in his kingdom in this world.

End of sermonette

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Mark B. Magee
91 Westy
96 Suzuki 4WD Sport
Kemah TX USA
John 14:6